Coldpruf Online Order Form
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Order Form
Selecting An Account The first step is to select the account you want to place an order for. To do this begin typing the first few letters of the account name in the first text box. A list with accounts starting with the same letters entered will then appear below the first text box. The account name must be typed in the textbox the same way it is formatted in the customer database. If you are having trouble typing in the account name the same way it is formatted in the customer database then click the following link: Then select the desired account from the list. Then press the select button.
Selecting the Ship To Account After pressing Select, the main Bill To account associated with the specified account appears to the right. Beneath the Bill To account is a drop down list with all the shipping destinations associated with the Bill To account. Select the appropriate one. If you are shipping to the Bill To account that is originally displayed, then simply select the Bill To account in the drop down list as a shipping destination.
Entering Order Information After selecting a shipping destination you must fill out the order information. Each online order requires an email to be supplied. If the account you are placing an order for does not have an email then use your own email in the required field. You must retype the email to ensure there are no typos. Each online order also requires a Ship Via method. This field cannot be longer than 7 letters/characters long. If more shipping information longer than the 7 characters that is allowed needs to be supplied, use the larger textbox labeled as Additional Shipping Instructions. There are also optional fields that can be filled out. These fields are Department ID and PO Number. The Department ID field cannot be longer than 4 letters/characters long. The PO Number field cannot be longer than 10 letters/characters long.
Sales Rep Information There is also an area to fill out Sales Rep information. Here you can specify your name, territory code, and email. For each account in the customer database we already have territory codes set up based on who the account is, so you do not have to enter the territory code unless you are placing an order for an account for the first time.
Required Fields Sales Rep Info
You can then specify if Back Orders are to be permitted or not. You also can specify if there is a cancel date. By default Back Orders are set to yes. By default a set cancel date is set to no. If a cancel date is required the select yes. -This will cause a section for entering a cancel date to popup.
Ordering After supplying all the billing and shipping information you are ready to begin ordering. To start specify if a discount is to be supplied in the drop down list labeled as “Discount to be applied:” You can apply either a 5%, 10%, 15%, or 20% discount. After selecting a discount a popup box will appear ensuring that you do want to apply the selected discount. F
Selecting Styles There is a drop down list consisting of Coldpruf styles. Click on the arrow or begin typing in the box to select a style. If typing in the drop down list, when you are done typing in the style number click out of the drop down list so that the request will be sent to the server After selecting a style, select an associated color. The colors that are available to be selected are determined by the style selected. A
Entering Quantities After selecting a style the price is displayed for each size available for the selected style. Also beneath each price you are now allowed to enter the number of pieces of that size and color that are to be ordered. The number of pieces to be ordered for each size must be a multiple of 2.
Displaying Selected Styles After specifying the number of pieces to be ordered for a particular style, size, and color press the Add to Shopping Cart button. After you press this button a grid appears showing the style, color, and sizes ordered. The grid also consists of the total cost of styles ordered and the total number of pieces ordered. If a discount was to be applied it will also include a column showing the total price with the applied discount. It shows this information for each style and includes a grand total for all styles ordered so far. Also, after pressing this button, to the right of the grid notifications popup showing you the availability of the quantity of each style specified by you. Here you will receive one of three different notifications. They are: Stock is available. Stock is currently unavailable. Will be available on MMDDYY. Stock is currently unavailable and a future availability date is unknown. Please call the office at (336) 679-4440.
Grid with no discount applied. Stock Availability
Grid with a discount applied. Row Totals Grand Totals Stock Availability Notifications
Review Order Once you have finished selecting styles press the Review Order button at the bottom of the page. This takes you to a new page that summarizes all the information you have provided thus far.
Edit Order If on the Review Order page you need to change, add, or remove any piece of information press the Edit Order button. This will take you back to where you can edit all the information you have entered thus far. You will have to retype the Confirm E-Mail Address for the account and sales rep, but everything else should fill out as you specified earlier. After you are done making any edits press the Review Order button again to get back to the Review Order page.
Place Order After all information is correctly entered and reviewed, on the Review Order Page press the Place Order button. This takes you to a confirmation page and sends a confirmation email to the email provided for the account and to the email provided for the sales rep. This completes the online ordering process. You can simply close your browser or navigate to another site.
New Accounts If you need to place an order for a new account that is not yet in the customer database, login to the order form as previously described. Then click the link that says: To place an order for a new account click here.
Credit Application Clicking that link takes you to a credit application page. Fill out what you can on this application for the new account you want to order for. No field except the email field is required on this page. After filling out the application press the Submit button. This will take you to a page where you can specify billing and shipping information for the new account.
New Account Order Page After submitting the credit application you will be directed to a page where you are to specify billing and shipping information for the new account. If the Bill To information is the same as the Ship To information then use the same information for each section. Also on this page you will be able to order styles the same way you would for a regular account.
Use the same information if Ship To destination is the same as the Bill To destination.
You can now review and edit your order as you would for a regular account. When you place the order for a new account a confirmation email will be sent to all specified email addresses. These confirmation emails will include a copy of the filled out credit application.