How many significant figures are in each of the following numbers? Monday, September 29, 2014 Journal Entry Answer the following journal question How many significant figures are in each of the following numbers? 24.7cm, 0.743hm, and 714dm Next convert each of the numbers to kilometers, then to meters.
Tuesday, September 30th, 2014 JOURNAL ENTRY How many significant figures are in the following measurements: 1234 L 0.023 mL 890 kL 780.0 cL Next, convert each of measurements to milliliters and then to decaliters.
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2014 JOURNAL ENTRY The formula for finding the density of an object is D = M V Using this formula, calculate the density of an object whose mass is 250g and whose volume is 16mL. *Be sure to write the correct unit of measure in your answer.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 2014 JOURNAL ENTRY Write the conversion chart with the base and the appropriate amount of spaces on each side.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 2014 JOURNAL ENTRY Read this ruler and record its measurement to the nearest tenths place.