Double Star: Experiment Activities


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Presentation transcript:

Double Star: Experiment Activities FM Experiment activities before delivery to the pre-integration site (Acceptance level for Cluster FS) Manufacturing finalised Functional test Dimensional measurements (mounting foot pattern etc) and physical properties (mass, CoG, MoI) Electrical interface verification with the satellite simulator Mechanical acceptance testing (low level sine, random vibration, partly also shock loads) Thermal vacuum acceptance test Calibration (in vacuum for PEACE, HIA, ASPOC, NUADU) EMC test (conducted emission / susceptibility Issue of Acceptance Data Package (ADP) comprising the ESA standard points and all the test results Review of ADP © Astrium Double Star Mtg, CSSAR, Beijing, 1 to 7 July 2002 Page 1 Roland Nord

Double Star: Experiment Activities FM Experiment activities at delivery to the pre-integration site (Acceptance level for Cluster FS) Incoming inspection (visual check for outer potential damage, for thermal finish, mech. Interfaces) Functional Test with S/C simulator (Satellite Services model) DC magnetic properties (tbd) Mass properties (flatness, mass (without red tag items), etc) Pre-integration Readiness Review prior to integration activities © Astrium Double Star Mtg, CSSAR, Beijing, 1 to 7 July 2002 Page 2 Roland Nord

Double Star: Experiment Integration Pre-Integration Baseline of for I/F Measurements The Interface verification between Double Star PDMU (EM / FM) and Experiments shall be made manually (using scopes and multimeters) Use of the modified and updated Cluster II integration procedures (now available as “Word”-files adapted to the Double Star needs as far as the information was available) Use of the Central Check-out System (DITS) loaded Double Star data base as well as the compiled experiment and satellite control files © Astrium Double Star Mtg, CSSAR, Beijing, 1 to 7 July 2002 Page 3 Roland Nord

Double Star: Experiment Integration Pre-Integration (cont’d) Baseline of for I/F Measurements Planned measurement program. 1 Bonding Resistance Check 2 Pin Grounding Continuity Check 3 Unconnected Harness Check for dangerous voltages potentially emerging from PDMS (all PDMS subsystems running but no interface connector is plugged in) 4 Power Interface Check (in-rush current, current level, converter synch characteristic) 5 Signal and Command I/F-Check 6 Inter Experiment Link I/F-Check (check for dangerous voltages only) 7 Integration Status Check (all connector saver removed and the I/F connector I/F secured © Astrium Double Star Mtg, CSSAR, Beijing, 1 to 7 July 2002 Page 4 Roland Nord

Double Star: Integration Issues Preconditions for the Integration Start Following test activities or deliverables have to be performed prior to the experiment integration PDMS acceptance test incl. test protocols etc made available well before the start of the pre-integration (4 weeks) (satellite contractor) Functional performance Interface characteristics when the output / inputs are loaded with the nominal impedances as given in the EID-A Main bus impedance measurement The PDMS-experiment harness and IEL continuity test incl. test protocols (satellite contractor) Intra experiment harness continuity check (experimenter) Availability of a complete and debugged set of control files for the switching of the PDMS / satellite functions the switching of the experiments which are compiled on the Central Check-out Computer © Astrium Double Star Mtg, CSSAR, Beijing, 1 to 7 July 2002 Page 5 Roland Nord

Double Star: Integration Issues Information needed to continue Pre-integration preparation: S/C Command Sequences / Control Files for S/C switch-on power up dedicated experiments Switch into Primary mode Switch into Redundant mode Cross coupling Command Spin Rate Change are needed to prepare the electrical integration procedures properly. © Astrium Double Star Mtg, CSSAR, Beijing, 1 to 7 July 2002 Page 6 Roland Nord