Ideas for the Post Primary Classroom
Sensory What can we do? Reduce Visual Distractions Minimise display boards Cover resources and books Switch off whiteboard and computers when not used Consider Position in the class Seated away from windows and doors Allow personal space Establish a quiet/calm area Limit distractions and allow time to calm Provide calming items Ensure consistent access throughout the daily schedule Provide sensory activities Movement programme Resources e.g. Regular movement, stairs, gym ball, gym equipment, tactile box Include regularly throughout daily schedule Consider classroom acoustics Provide some soft furnishings in the room Establish silence before speaking Use visual communication strategies Provide alternative space for group work
Involve and Inform Peer Group Social Others must understand autism if they are to help and if the student with autism is to be successfully included Simple introduction to autism - thus explaining social and communication difficulties which in turn will justify different expectations - e.g. different motivators “once you tell others, the burden of making social blunders is lifted.” Paul Hughes
Consider the use of Peer Mentors Could help with Repeat, review and clarify classroom instructions Act as a partner between student and others Training in social skills Awareness and coping strategies for sensory needs Communication needs Organisation Time management Structuring of written assignments Problem-solving
Responsibilities of student mentor NAS 1. Meet the student at agreed times and locations. 2. Advise the student by email/text of any unavoidable changes to arrangements at least 24 hours in advance. 3. Keep a record of work done and issues arising, which can be referred to in review meetings with the Learning Support Department 4. Communicate with the student in clear and specific terms, providing written instruction as a back up where appropriate (e.g. in tasks the student may be required to complete in their own time). 5. Attend regular meetings and training, as required by the Learning Support Department 6. Any other support consistent with the defined role of student mentor.
Responsibilities of student NAS 1. Meet your mentor at agreed times and locations. 2. Advise your mentor by email of any unavoidable changes to arrangements at least 24 hours in advance. 3. Attend review meetings with the Learning Support Department when requested. 4. Communicate any concerns or difficulties in working with your mentor to your Learning Support Co-ordinator
Developing independent study and work skills Supportive Technology Note Taking with Livescribe and Voice Recognition Software Developing independent study and work skills
High tech solutions! Smartpen Electronic Organisers The Smartpen is a high tech solution that students can use when they have the motoric capabilities to write but may not be able to process information quickly enough to take accurate notes. This device will record lectures as you take notes, write key words, draw pictures, etc. Livescribe makes several different pens that all have similar operations Smartphones and iPod devices may also be used as electronic organizers for calendars, agendas and organizing websites Android Smart Phone iPhone iPod Touch
Apps There are some websites that are also available in app form such as which provides definitions and synonym options for words Evernote also has the capability of recording auditory while typing notes Diigo is great to organize and bookmark websites when writing research papers
Apps It is important that schools make use of the technology available to support the needs of young people with autism. We must teach the young people to use such devices so that they can take such techniques to the workplace. Wilczynski et al, 2013 Some of you may have access to touch tablets so we wanted to include some helpful apps for organizations myHomework app is a mobile, digital planner that helps high school and college students keep up with assignments, tests and classes inclass i s student planner app for iOS and can be used on the iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. It provides the ability to view tasks by class, due date and priority. The app works offline but you need Wi-Fi to share notes or back up your data
http://www.spark- educator
Practical classes: Structure Contextual and Cultural Appropriateness Donaldson,1978 Ensure the student with autism has a clear concept of the task Provide increased structure Ensure there is a clear beginning and end to the task
Mind Mapping
Timetable of completion
Essay writing Formula
Group work continues to cause difficulty When social skills are absent, educators cannot fully engage students in a variety of learning experiences, especially those that are cooperative. As teachers increasingly use cooperative learning strategies across the curriculum, the need for students to have strong social skills is evident. To participate fully in cooperative learning, some students with difficulties need training in skills such as giving and receiving feedback, listening, and appropriate self-disclosure.
Foreperson:_____________________Spokesperson:__________ Scribe:________________________________________________ Title Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 1. 2. 3. Conclusions