1 ) Infrastructure consolidation (TS/FM and TS/CE groups) 2) Equipment operation related problems (TS/CV group) Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007 TS/FM : Total or partial repair work of roofs; reinforcement work on travelling cranes supports TS/CE : Corrective maintenance work on underground infrastructures TS/CV : Major Events on CV equipment (PS and SPS machines); corrective measures and global analysis Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
Roofs consolidation programme 2006 – 1/2 TS/FM : ROOFS, TRAVELLING CRANES CONSOLIDATION Roofs consolidation programme 2006 – 1/2 Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
Roofs consolidation programme 2006 – 2/2 TS/FM : ROOFS, TRAVELLING CRANES CONSOLIDATION Roofs consolidation programme 2006 – 2/2 Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
BA80 TOT 320 kCHF Construction year 1977 Tot SURFACE 3660 TS/FM : ROOFS, TRAVELLING CRANES CONSOLIDATION BA80 Construction year 1977 Tot SURFACE 3660 Partial repair on 200m2 in June 2006 Total repair in July-October 2006 TOT 320 kCHF Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
BA2 TOT 340 kCHF Contruction year 1973 TS/FM : ROOFS, TRAVELLING CRANES CONSOLIDATION BA2 Contruction year 1973 Tot SURFACE 2285 m2 Total repair in January-March 2006 TOT 340 kCHF Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
BB4 (+BHA4) TOT 160 kCHF Construction year 1981 Tot SURFACE 680 m2 TS/FM : ROOFS, TRAVELLING CRANES CONSOLIDATION BB4 (+BHA4) Construction year 1981 Tot SURFACE 680 m2 Total repair in September-November 2006 TOT 160 kCHF Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
BA6 TOT 350 kCHF Construction year 1975 Tot SURFACE ~2170 m2 TS/FM : ROOFS, TRAVELLING CRANES CONSOLIDATION BA6 Construction year 1975 Tot SURFACE ~2170 m2 Total repair in November 2006 – March 2007 TOT 350 kCHF Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
BA7 TOT 170 kCHF Construction year 1976 Tot SURFACE 1726 m2 TS/FM : ROOFS, TRAVELLING CRANES CONSOLIDATION BA7 Construction year 1976 Tot SURFACE 1726 m2 Total repair in October-December 2006 TOT 170 kCHF Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
Consolidation of machine buildings roofs -> TOT 1’180 kCHF TS/FM : ROOFS, TRAVELLING CRANES CONSOLIDATION BA80 BA2 BB4 BA7 BA6 Consolidation of machine buildings roofs -> TOT 1’180 kCHF = 70% of TS expenditures Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
BB4 Global campagne LHC + SPS TOT 40 kCHF TS/FM : ROOFS, TRAVELLING CRANES CONSOLIDATION BB4 Global campagne LHC + SPS TOT 40 kCHF Travelling crane supports reinforcement June – October 2006 Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
LSS3 TOT 70 kCHF Water leakages treatment with an umbrella solution TS/CE : MAINTENANCE WORK ON TUNNELS LSS3 Water leakages treatment with an umbrella solution and repair of the concrete vault shut-down 2005-2006 TOT 70 kCHF Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
TT2 TOT 200 kCHF Water leakages treatment TS/CE : MAINTENANCE WORK ON TUNNELS TT2 Water leakages treatment To be partially realised during shut-down 2006-2007 TOT 200 kCHF (hors changement de câbles) Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
SPS TOT 250 kCHF Water leakages treatment TS/CE : MAINTENANCE WORK ON TUNNELS SPS Water leakages treatment To be partially realised during shut-down 2006-2007 TOT 250 kCHF Secteur BA2- BA3 Secteur BA2- BA1 Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
Generation of false flow interlock TS/CV : MAJOR EVENTS BA2 SPS stopped due to equipment interlock on BA2 (30-Jun-2006) Failure Mode Failure Effect Failure Cause Failure Remedy General Remarks Generation of false flow interlock Flow interlock sent towards the 4 primary power supplies for SPS, stopping the accelerator (12’) Intermittent flow interlock generated by IM (multiplexer) unit via demineralised water circuit 211 (Main Magnet) Several actions undertaken in order to resolve the problem, i.e. I/O card in question changed, as well as power supply and cabling. Signal delay generating interlock between demineralised water station and power supplies (rectifiers) increased from 10” to 60” in accordance with AB-PO, in order avoid further stops due to temporary nature of fault. Also, the pressure transmitter of the demineralised water circuit 211 was investigated. An intermittent 30 ms power glitch was observed via oscilloscope Due to the temporary nature of the generation of the interlock, several stops took place before understanding the cause of the problem, which was then resolved. Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
TS/CV : MAJOR EVENTS CTF3 Stopped due to LPI demineralised water cooling problem (03-Jul-2006) Failure Mode Failure Effect Failure Cause Failure Remedy General Remarks High temperature on LPI secondary circuit motor windings LPI Secondary motor pump units PS3 & PS4 stopped, one after the other, resulting in the stop of the CTF3 accelerator (7’) due to lack of flow Flow demand on user side (CTF3) has been set to > than the nominal flow capacity of the PS3 & PS4 motor pump units, resulting in the units running outside their rated performance, hence the temperature increase Demineralised water flow towards CTF3 has been adjusted (limited) in order to enable the motor pump units to work within their rated capacities Also, the ambient temperature surrounding the LPI pumping station has been lowered The cooling capacity provided by the LPI demineralised water circuits was and is still sufficient in respect to the user. The users have to adjust their flow requirements once only, instead of changing the process parameters continuously, in order to avoid this problem. Measuring and balancing of circuit done by TS-CV Happened twice on 2006! Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
Primary water pump and cooling tower start up failure TS/CV : MAJOR EVENTS COMPASS Stopped due to cooling water problem on North Zone (25-Jul-2006) Failure Mode Failure Effect Failure Cause Failure Remedy General Remarks Primary water pump and cooling tower start up failure High temperature on North Zone primary water due to lack of cooling, resulting in the stop of the COMPASS experiment (1h 45’) Faulty configuration of pump and tower start up sequence, as the last pump blocked the start up sequence due to the pump itself having a start up set point > than the trigger signal sent via the basin level meter. The resulting signal eventually sent from the level meter became erroneous, as the water level rose above the sensor itself, effectively contributing to blocking the start up sequence Set point of the pump start up sequencing for the pump concerned has been lowered to match the trigger signal sent from the level meter in the basin. A more thorough analysis by the TS-CV maintenance contractor could have resolved the problem, before actually affecting the COMPASS experience. Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
Primary water cooling pump PP1 failure TS/CV : MAJOR EVENTS PS BOOSTER Stopped due to Centre Anneau cooling water problem (24-Oct-2006) Failure Mode Failure Effect Failure Cause Failure Remedy General Remarks Primary water cooling pump PP1 failure High temperature on Centre Anneau demineralised water distribution due to lack of primary water cooling, resulting in the stop of the Booster accelerator (4h 30’) Several micro power cuts experienced due to weather conditions are supposed to have stopped the primary water pump PP1, as well as other installations in the Booster, PS and SPS accelerators Primary water pump unit PP2 was put into service instead of PP1, which will be further examined as a consequence of the stop No alarms received in TI about the Centre Anneau cooling circuit, although alarms were active locally, which did not facilitate the fault finding on the Booster installations. Software modification in PLC is foreseen in order to eliminate this problem Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
Demineralised water flow failure TS/CV : MAJOR EVENTS PS HALL EST Stopped due to Zone Est cooling water problem (09-Nov-2006) Failure Mode Failure Effect Failure Cause Failure Remedy General Remarks Demineralised water flow failure Lack of demineralised water flow in Zone Est circuit which eventually stopped the circuit and as a result the Hall Est experiment and the PS (4h 50’) Gradual emptying of the demineralised water expansion tank due to several minor water leaks on different pumping stations, effectively preventing the water make up system to refill the tank, as the volume of the water leaks were > than the volume of the make up water volume Expansion tank was filled up manually and the make up water system was tested. No faults were found on the system. This stop could have been prevented as the TS-CV maintenance contractor was alerted to the problem already 24h in advance. Additional training for the contractor was carried out by TS-CV personnel Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
Demineralised water flow failure Repair of faulty tower organized TS/CV : MAJOR EVENTS PS Stopped due to Aimant PS cooling water problem (13-Nov-2006) - 1/2 Failure Mode Failure Effect Failure Cause Failure Remedy General Remarks Demineralised water flow failure Increase of demineralised water temperature in Aimant PS circuit, which eventually stopped the circuit and as a result the PS (2h 20’) and SPS accelerators (1h 20’) One of the two tower fans were stopped due to fan imbalance as the fan blade had been rubbing against tower housing, eventually puncturing it and as a consequence stopping the unit. Tower unit has been taken out of service and the station has been restarted with only the remaining tower in service. Demineralised water temperature are being monitored Repair of faulty tower organized (febr. 2007) Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
PS Stopped due to Aimant PS cooling water problem (13-Nov-2006) - 2/2 TS/CV : MAJOR EVENTS PS Stopped due to Aimant PS cooling water problem (13-Nov-2006) - 2/2 Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007
External Error (weather, supply or users) TS/CV : MAJOR EVENTS Global overview on majors events causes Failure Origin Human Error (CV staff or CV contractor) External Error (weather, supply or users) Aging of Equipment EquipementFault BA2 X CFT3 COMPASS PS BOOSTER PS HALL EST PS Cristiana Colloca TS/FM – ATC/ABOC - JANVIER 2007