Our Overnight success has only taken 8 years?
Why Diversify into Quinoa?
What is Quinoa?
Grain vs Food Disconnect – Agro vs Quinoa – give to your kids
Challenges you don’t expect?
Its Just a grain in a bag, but it is our grain in our bag!
Shared Dream – to put a packet on a shelf Growing Engaging other growers Protecting our IP Branding and brand protection Social media Domain names Product development Minor use Permits Grant applications Qa More Qa Business structures and plans Trade shows Product distribution channels Packaging Bar codes Shippers Discounting Cashflows Finance Export
What have done for us! Nurture Fund 740 Stores Australia Wide Coles were our 1st ever customer 400 000 bags in the 1st 3 months Subiaco growers market for 77 years
The Supermarket Scene Coles 47 % reduce SKU’s by 30 % Aldi only stock 20% of products
You need to provide Retail solutions.
Risk Reward
New crop, agronomy, summer, sell un processed, un tested plant, missed spike in world price, risk of coles RISK
Business Horizons - If we had to quit our job!
So in Summary: Position yourself to handle the risk Expect the appropriate reward for that level of risk Don’t be afraid of outsourcing or partnering as long as the cost is appropriate Work for your partner’s success as well as your own
working on hard enough problems” “If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not working on hard enough problems” (Frank Wilczer 2004 Nobel Prize winner in physics.)
Never eat food you can not pronounce Except Quinoa You should Eat Quinoa !
@3farmersquinoa Three Farmers Quinoa www.threefarmersquinoa.com.au
Cooking Tips!