Historic weather events By: Mya Sanders
What are historic weather events? Historic weather events are tornadoes hurricanes or even tsunamis that devastate the whole town street state or country. This is what things look like after a tornado hits.
Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 Hurricane Katrina formed over the Bahamas and rapidly got stronger heading to the Gulf of Mexico and Florida Hurricane Katrina devastated most of the states surrounding the Gulf of Mexico The states were northern Texas, Louisiana, New Orland, and Florida Every thing in Florida was flooded most of the houses were gone in all of the states above people who lived in those areas will never forget that August
Competing Tornadoes Nebraska June third 1980 7 tornadoes in 3 hours B broke most tornado rules like is spun counter clockwise even Dr. Fujita said it was the craziest tornado he ever saw Xenia Ohio April third 1974 12 tornadoes in one day This Xenia tornado caused the most deaths out of all the tornado outbreaks so far
Hurricane sandy Hurricane Sandy Hit October 2012 Aka Super storm sandy Hurricane Sandy Hit October 2012 Unlike most hurricanes and got stronger as it started heading toward the state(hurricane Katrina did this too)most get a little less strong heading toward land Hurricane Sandy is known to be the most destructive and deadliest hurricane ever. Hurricane sandy also hit Cuba and Jamaica
Most snow in one day (us) In Georgetown, Colorado five feet and 3 inches fell one December 4th This snow storm had the most snow ever fall in the United states of America That was a lot of snow shoveling this snow also very wet and thick
The end I really hoped you enjoyed the slide show, remember there are much more historic weather events those were just a few