“My First Snow Storm” Case Study by: Joseph Cerami


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Presentation transcript:

“My First Snow Storm” Case Study by: Joseph Cerami Blacksburg, Va. Feb. 12th – 14th, 2014 Synoptic Meteorology Geog-4504

Surface Observations These are the surface maps for the development of the system. Forms right up along the coast, with the freezing line well south of Blacksburg. Blacksburg was able to be set up in the deformation zone.

850 MB PLOT Upper air temperatures are well within range for a good sized snowfall for the region. Blacksburg is sitting at about -3 C or so.

500 MB plot We can see the trough that is set up right above Florida. This was able to create positive vorticity and there is some difluence on the east side on the trough. This created the atmosphere for active weather.

On this Feb 13th plot you can see a very large dip in the Jetstream, with the winds moving NNE and bringing some warm moist air up to meet the cold dry air. 300 MB Plot

300 MB Plot This Feb, 13th 300 mb plot shows a strong Jetstream riding up the coast, putting Blacksburg in the LF corner of the stream. Meaning there is probably active weather at the surface.

Radar images- showing precipitation Feb 11th 2014 Radar images- showing precipitation

This image is on Feb 13th, at this point the low is right off the coast and Blacksburg is set up in the deformation zone which led to some pretty high snow totals. Satellite Image

Both are showing the same thing Both are showing the same thing. This is when the storm was at its peak for Blacksburg. These plots are showing a deep moisture content and temperatures that would definitely favor snowfall. Skew-T plots

Impacts- snowfall amounts 3rd largest in Blacksburg history

Impacts cont. Blacksburg recorded 20.1 inches of snow during these couple of days, with amounts around the region between 18-28 inches.

“The world's largest carrier Delta Air Lines canceled over 2,000 flights, and it was reported by 8:00 p.m. Thursday, February 13, that as many as 6,500 flights originating in or destined for the United States had been canceled. On that day 70 percent of flights were cancelled at airports in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and Charlotte. As of February 14, 22 people had died from the storm. Approximately 1.2 million homes and businesses lost power as the storm moved from the South through the Northeast. By the evening of Thursday, February 13, about 550,000 customers remained in the dark, mostly in South Carolina and Georgia.” Impacts cont. NWS Blacksburg

Links for more info. http://www.roanoke.com/topics/snowstorm2014/ http://www.newsadvance.com/news/local/winter- storm/collection_730e4dd0-940a-11e3-806c- 001a4bcf6878.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid- February_2014_North_American_winter_storm