Magnet Site Visit Briefing Chris Tarver, DNP, RN, CNS, NEA-BC BAMC May 21, 2015
Disclaimer I am sharing information from our Site Visit for 3rd Designation… we have not heard the final decision yet Lead Appraiser: Jim Fischer, Michigan CNO; 3rd designation documents due in August Appraiser: Kathy Chapman, Portland VA CNO; just submitted supplemental for 3rd Designation Appraiser: Judy Jones, Boise Director Education; had received word day before visit that hospital got site visit for 4th designation
Prepping Public and Staff notification (binder) Formal educational classes Life Line Booklets Staff general Escort MV Escort LG
Supplemental Request 8 remaining questions that we had to submit on first day of site visit . . . via flash drive DURING site visit: - a “one sentence add” to SE9b (NL & community) - additional evidence added to TL8b (CN-CNO & pt experience) - recopied onto flash drive during site visit
Challenging SOE EP1 EP1. Process for Evaluation of PPM (re-designation). Became a “special” meeting during site visit Presented what we had done in “3rd try” Kathy Chapman told us: submit for podium next year!
Practice, Practice, Practice Mock Survey conducted in January 2015 with Karen Speroni from ANCC Rated areas/meetings R/Y/G Based on previous site visit agenda Mock meetings w/Kathleen Hickman (local consultant) based on “red” areas AND added meetings or “combo” meetings
Magnet Headquarters Schedules Tent Cards Binders Lap tops Sign in sheets Help from Auxilians Appraisers also had their own headquarters – same all 3 days
Working Together!
The visit!! April 22 - 24 3-day visit; 3 surveyors Afternoon of Day 2, two surveyors to Los Gatos Campus Same escorts all 3 days New ANCC “rules” about escorts Still Surveyor dependent
We LOVE our Magnet Escorts!
Welcome Group Strategically plan based on the style of your hospital, your nurses, and the appraisers bios/ backgrounds We did Magnet Committee, Shared Governance Reps & escorts in lobby
Unit Tours Went to every unit No managers, no educators Escorts managed sign in sheets Worksheet to plan Unit Tour Designated place to stand Designated greeters & topics Greeter buttons
Plan your routes! Walk-through with Escorts Prior to visit
“Combo” meetings Had to ‘re-practice’ with some of the groupings to see how it would flow together (all were 1 hr): Finance and budget formulation, staffing and scheduling plans and processes (directors, charge nurses, hosp sup, finance) Pay and benefits, PAs, Nursing Satisfaction, HWE, Nursing Recognition (CNO, HR Reps, directors, clinical managers, clinical nurses) Ethics, IRB, Patient Rights, Nursing Research Council Had to make grid d/t overlap
Shining for Magnet! And show up 15 minutes early
Community Meeting Over-invite! First responder partners Foundation members Patients representing various service lines Gave “thank you” gift after luncheon
Medical Staff Leadership & c-Suite Prep Done by CNO Cheryl Reinking – 1:1
Open Staff Session Jim: “no one ever shows up to these things” Chris had sent Outlook evites: who didn’t get a meeting… RNs and RN-partners (PE team, etc) Lined up for full hour Jim met w/ 1-2 at a time
HR File Folder Review – EP15 and beyond! Selected from breakfast/lunch rosters: 4 direct care nurses, 4 managers, 2 directors PA, Self Appraisal, Peer Review, Goals . . . And . . .
Questions? Chris Tarver THANK YOU!!