GOOD GOVERANCE AND GOOD WORKS St Vincent de Paul Society Broken Bay Central Council Festival Day March 2016
DIFFERENT Systems Collectivist Participatory Democratic Democratic Military Monarchical Authoritarian
What is governance? Global “Governance determines who has power, who makes decisions, how other players make their voice heard and how account is rendered”. (Institute of Governance Europe) The UNDP Principles set out guidance for societal governance
Legitimacy & voice Participation – all men and women should have a voice in decision making directly or through intermediaries Consensus Direction Strategic vision – leaders and the public have a broad and long-perspective performance Responsiveness Effectiveness and efficiency Accountability Accountability – decision-makers Transparency – transparency is built on the free flow information
Australia “Corporate governance is the ‘framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes within and by which authority is exercised and controlled”. (ASX) Governance is the why, what and where to and management is the how to achieve those objectives.
The governance institute of Australia Governance is argued to have four key components: Transparency Accountability Stewardship Integrity
What do ordinary, right-thinking members of the community – knowing all the relevant facts – believe to be an appropriate exercise of stewardship in such circumstances ?
Australian charities and the Australian charities and not for profit commission (ACNC) Standard 1: Purposes and not-for-profit Standard 2: Accountability to members Standard 3: Compliance with Australian Laws Standard 4: Suitability of responsible persons Standard 5: Duties of responsible persons
Duties of responsible persons Act with reasonable care and diligence Act honestly in the best interests of the charity and for its purposes Not misuse the position of responsible person Not to misuse information obtained in performing duties Disclose any actual or perceived conflict of interests Ensure that the charity’s financial affairs are managed responsibly Not allow a charity to operate while insolvent
Challenges for faith based BODIES Identity is both religious and social Mission is both religious and social Outcomes are multidimensional Volunteers play a vital , active ,vocal role Accountable to higher authorities/congregations Accountable to government and external bodies
Governance within Christian faith based charities When Christian character and clear policies join forces good governance is the result. Good governance begins with good character out of which grows good actions. The Good Shepherd model of stewardship. The Institute notes that ultimately, the application of good governance serves to realise organizational and societal goals. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) enunciates a set of principles that with slight variations appear in much of the literature. There is strong evidence that these UNDP-based principles have a claim to universal recognition.
Catholic organisations Purpose and People “An institution is Catholic if it is, in reality, a ‘sacrament’, that is a sign and an instrument, of the ongoing presence of Christ in the world and as the place of encounter with this Christ’. (Bishop Timothy Costelloe) Church’s charitable organizations must be distinguished by the fact that they do not merely meet the needs of the moment, but they dedicate themselves to others with heartfelt concern, enabling them to experience the richness of their humanity. “Consequently, in addition to their necessary professional training, these charity workers need a formation of the heart’. (Pope Benedict XVI).
Vincentian governance - empowering and relational We need to promote transparency, accountability, integrity and good stewardship as core elements in good governance arrangements for the Society. We need to look at not only who makes decisions but how decisions are made. Different arrangements will apply to different aspects Ultimately it is about empowering people, and Sustaining good relationships based on trust.
Governing objectives for society Key governance objectives for the Society, irrespective of structures, include: Safeguarding the identity – religious and social Promoting the mission – spiritual and social/governing for the common good Embedding core values Developing ‘right relationships’ based on trust and respect Delivering best interest outcomes
Challenges ‘Fit for purpose governance’ Structural – right structures for the right works with the right levels of accountability Subsidiarity – locating decision making at the right level and by the right people Solidarity – with each other in the decisions that are made Skills – to do the right job in the right way
Possibilities The Society will need to explore new ways of engaging volunteers in areas of emerging need and to have a voice and presence in emerging works: Committees for Identity and Mission Pastoral care volunteers and groups Community/need based/special purpose conferences and groups
optimism A well governed Society, with effective means of management, an openness to learn and to grow an inspired, capable and committed membership can achieve great things and undertake great works. A Society committed to give living witness to the Gospel and be open to the Spirit will always survive and thrive.
Optimism Faith filled optimism In his apostolic letter to mark the close of the Great Jubilee of the year 2000, Pope John Paull II, in Jesus’ words, invited us to: ‘put out into the deep’ (and) to remember the pasts with gratitude to live the present with enthusiasm and to look forward to the future with confidence: ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever’ (Heb 13:8)