The Flute By Angelique
About the flute The flute is the oldest of all instruments that produce pitched sounds (not just rhythms), and was originally made from wood, stone, clay or hollow reeds like bamboo. Modern flutes are made of silver, gold or platinum; there are generally 2 to 4 flutes in an orchestra. A standard flute is a little over 2 feet long and is often featured playing the melody. You play the flute by holding it sideways with both hands and blowing across a hole in the mouthpiece, much like blowing across the top of a bottle. Your fingers open and close the keys, which changes the pitch
Picture of the flute ♪ ♪ ♫ The flute is often used in jazz and pop music, it has the highest voice in the woodwind family of instruments. This may be a bit confusing since not all flutes are made of wood. But due to the way a flute produces sound and its construction, the flute is rated among the woodwinds. ♬ ♬ ♪ ♫
History The oldest flutes found, are thousands of years old and made of bones. These flutes were used during hunting and in magic rituals. Later on flutes are found which were made of wood or bamboo. All flutes used to have only holes. You could hold a flute to the left or right side and there were even flutes you could hold straight like a recorder. Until the middle ages flutes were played by hunters, shepherds, musicians in festive occasions and from the 13th century on also by soldiers. Did you know that these kinds of flutes are still played all over the world?
Thank you Thank u for watching I hope you now know Some facts about the flute
Feedback Good detailed information Good picture displaying the different parts of the Flute You could of included famous pieces of Flute music or its role in the Orchestra B – Mr O’Sullivan