Lesson Fixer Upper Kagan Strategies: Round Robin Warm Up: Brainstorm any Kagan Structures/Strategies you have used and be ready to share a favorite gift given or received over break!
Welcome! Who are we?? Jodi Goodman Dawn Jordan Team Leader 5th grade Reading Cherry Int 9th year of teaching, ESL specialist, SS, ELAR District Teacher of the Year 2015 Dawn Jordan Team Leader 5th grade Math dept at Cherry Int Teaching- 20th year of teaching, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 5th grade SS, Science, Math District Teacher of the Year 2012
Goal for the session The session goal is to explain, model and brainstorm ways to implement the Kagan Structure, Round Robin, in various disciplines. Round Robin is a flexible structure. Can be used for teambuilding, reinforcing concepts, exploring problem solving, solidifying procedures or strategies. Round Robin allows for all levels of learners to glean from each other while working on communication skills (super important for all students, especially challenged learners and ELL students.)
What Kagan Strategies or Structures have you used? Desks in tables, use shoulder and face partners Rally Robin/Round Robin Quiz Quiz Trade Timed Pair Share
What is Round Robin? Teacher poses a problem with more than one answer or concept to reinforce. Students take turns stating solutions or responses. Variations: Single Continuous Timed Think-Write
Single Round Robin Concept: Teambuilding: Introductions and favorite gift. What to do: At your table, each person shares: *Name *Grade/Subject *School *Favorite gift given or received When finished place “Dab emoji” in center of table (to signal your group is done).
Continuous Round Robin Problem: Shopping at Walmart. Ex: When shopping late at night, there are too many boxes in the aisles. What to do: At your table, everyone shares a problem. Feel free to be comical. Share each time it is your turn until music stops. You just keep going… :) Emoji in center when finished. ELAR: Adjectives describing a character, predictions for what’s next in a text, alternate endings Math: multiples of a number, things used in a lab, amendments to the constitution Science: objects that float/sink, comparisons between objects (characteristics), activating prior knowledge SS:opinions about a topic in history, causes and effects of particular events
Timed Round Robin Question: What are your thoughts or ideas about using this Kagan Structure? Any ideas already surfacing? What issues do you foresee? Any solutions to resolve those challenges? What to do: Each member at table answers the above questions for a specific amount of time. Can also be a response to another table mate. Teacher calls time. Dab emoji in center of table when finished. ELAR-Book talks, summaries, share writing Math-geometric shapes in the classroom, different angles found in the classroom Science-Prior Knowledge adaptations- recount anything that comes to mind regarding animal adaptations Social Studies-What would US be different if Britain won Revolutionary War?
Think-Write Round Robin Creative thinking: Write a song title or lyric that accurately describes your feeling/mood when driving here this morning. Ex: “Everybody’s workin’ for the weekend” What to do: On the poster at your table, record your song. Each person should write in a different color. Place emoji in center when table is finished. Loverboy
Your turn! What to do: using your lesson plan, add at least one way that you can implement Round Robin. Be prepared to share. (Round Robin, of course!) Need ideas? https://numeracy4life.wikispaces.com/file/view/RoundRobin+Variations.doc