Page 1 of 3 SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Haiku Hike Language Arts and Visual Art-1st Grade Page 1 of 3 Standards Addressed in this Lesson: ELA2R1 The student quickly applies knowledge of letter-sound correspondence and spelling patterns to decode unfamiliar words. The student g. Applies learned phonics skills when reading and writing words, sentences, and stories. ELA2W1 The student begins to demonstrate competency in the writing process. The student k. Creates documents with legible handwriting. ELA2W2 The student writes in a variety of genres, including narrative, informational, persuasive, and response to literature. The student produces a narrative that: Major Art Modality Utilized: Artistic Language and Visual Arts Multiple Intelligences Addressed: Verbal Linguistic, Visual/Spatial Lesson Abstract: Students will go on an outdoor walk recording their sensations. Students will create their own Haiku using their recorded sensations from their “hike”. Students will create a visual interpretation of their Haiku. Materials Needed: Haiku Hike Chart, pencils, drawing paper, pastels Procedures Students will record words on a Haiku Hike Chart as they take a walk outside. They will record their sensations as they walk. Encourage them to write at least 3 words in each column. The more the better. Upon returning to the classroom they will share their results. They may add some words contributed by their classmates to their own Chart. Students will read and discuss some examples of Haiku, what it is, and how it is organized. See website below. Students will write Haiku using the 5-7-5 rule. The teacher can play some Japanese music while students are composing. Students will write their favorite Haiku on a piece of drawing paper and Illustrate it around the edges or on the reverse side. These may be compiled into a notebook or bound book.
Haiku Hike Chart Page 2 of 3 see hear smell touch/feel emotion/ feelings
Page 3 of 3 SUBJECT AREA/ SUGGESTED GRADE LEVEL: Haiku Hike Language Arts and Visual Art-1st Grade Page 3 of 3 Standards Addressed in this Lesson (continued) : d. Includes the appropriate purpose, expectations, and length for the audience and genre. VA2PR.1 Creates artworks based on personal experience and selected themes. a. Creates artworks to express individual ideas, thoughts, and feelings from memory, imagination, and observation. VA2PR.2 Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes of two-dimensional art processes (drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed-media) using tools and materials in a safe and appropriate manner to develop skills. a. Creates drawings with a variety of media (e.g., pencils, crayons, pastels). Assessment: Students will write at least 3 words in each column of their Haiku Hike Chart. Students should write at least 2 Haiku. Students should follow the 5-7-5 rule. Students should capture the feeling of the Haiku in their illustration. The students’ handwriting should be easily read. Resources/ Links: Haiku information website- Power Point (omit last slide)- Optional suggestion; Sakura-Japanese Folk music- Illustrated examples of kids Haiku; “Do these follow the 5-7-5 rule?”