Life to Eagle! It’s not about the badge; it’s about the journey. (Welcome. Introduce Myself, including qualifications. Explain the format of this mtg- 30 min presentation, then Q&A) ------ This presentation will help you understand WHY an Eagle Project is a very important requirement for Eagle Scout rank . You will also learn HOW to do an Eagle Project. Let’s get started! (NEXT SLIDE) It’s not about the badge; it’s about the journey.
This is a picture of the cover of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. This is the workbook you’ll use to plan and lead your Eagle Project. The workbook contains a lot of important information for you, your parents, and leaders. I will tell you later in the presentation where you can get one. BSA wants you to read ALL the information BEFORE you plan your Eagle Project. This will help you plan a great project! (NEXT SLIDE)
Message From the Chief Scout Executive The very first page of the workbook is a Message directly to YOU from the Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America. I’m going to share his message with you NOW because it will help you understand WHY BSA wants YOU to do an Eagle Scout Project. (NEXT SLIDE) Wayne Brock
Congratulations, Life Scout! The Message says: “Congratulations on earning the rank of LIFE Scout. Each year, approximately 57,000 Scouts just like you reach this milestone. ----- And, since you're reading this, I know you’re looking forward to achieving the pinnacle of your Scouting experience: the rank of Eagle Scout.” (NEXT SLIDE)
“Think of your Eagle Scout Service Project as the ultimate "application phase" of what you have learned so far in Scouting: leadership. . . responsibility. . . managing projects. . . applying your Scout Oath --"to help other people." (NEXT SLIDE)
“An Eagle Scout project is a crowning achievement following years of fun, adventure, and advancement. In completing it, you provide an example for others that they can do the same thing.” (NEXT SLIDE)
Aim for Impact Service. Impact. Leadership. “Some may suggest how big your project should be, or how many hours should be spent on it, but that is entirely up to you. Service, impact, and leadership are the objectives and measurements. Use these as your criteria to consider, select, develop, and evaluate your project.” ------- In addition to providing service and fulfilling the part of the Scout Oath, "to help other people at all times," one of the primary purposes of the Eagle Scout service project is to demonstrate or hone, or to learn and develop, leadership skills. ------- Related to this are important lessons in project management and taking responsibility for a SIGNIFICANT accomplishment. (NEXT SLIDE) Service. Impact. Leadership.
Former Foster Child Gives Back “For most Eagle Scouts, the Eagle Scout service project becomes a truly defining moment in your quest for excellence. Planning and leadership skills utilized and memories of outcomes achieved will last you a lifetime. You will want to share those stories with others, so make it a worthy project!” (NEXT SLIDE) Former Foster Child Gives Back
“Legendary hall-of-fame basketball coach John Wooden said, "It's not so important who starts the game but who finishes it." Let me be among the first to encourage you to take Mr. Wooden's remark to heart. You have made it to Life Scout, but EAGLE represents the finish line. Keep striving. I know you will cross it, and you will be glad you did!” Sincerely, Wayne Brock, Boy Scouts of America. (NEXT SLIDE)
Sooner is better than later! WHEN should you do your Eagle project? As soon as you are a Life Scout, you can do an Eagle Project. You don’t have to have all your merit badges finished. Summer is a great time to do your project! Please don’t procrastinate! The older you get, the busier you get! You might run out of time! And the older you are, the greater expectation BSA has that you are capable of a HIGHER level Eagle project! They want you to GROW through this experience. That means a bigger challenge and more work for you if you wait! So, DO IT NOW! (NEXT SLIDE)
How to Choose My Eagle Project? How do you decide what to do for your Eagle Project? From your Scouting, Church, and other activities, you’ve developed skills and talents. Think about doing an Eagle project that could highlight YOUR special abilities! Think about what YOU would enjoy teaching and sharing with others! Do you have woodworking or computer skills? Are you a great athlete or musician? Then think about possible groups who could benefit from your Eagle project. What about your church, school, neighborhood, city, local park, favorite campground, or a nursing home? What about giving back to an organization that helped you, a family member, or friend who was sick or in need? There are so many possibilities and so many needs out there! Most of all, your Eagle project should be challenging AND FUN for YOU! (NEXT SLIDE) My talents could help other people!
Eagle Project or Seagull Project? The Eagle is our national bird, and the symbol for the highest rank in Boy Scouts for a reason. An Eagle is skilled and prepared for a challenge. A Seagull is a scavenger who looks for anything he can get done quickly and with little effort. A Life Scout who wants to achieve Eagle Scout rank will choose and lead a project worthy of an Eagle. The Life Scout who wants to be an Eagle aims to take on an Eagle’s challenge. So what’s the difference between an Eagle Project and a Seagull Project? (Give example of Seagull project vs Eagle Project.) ……. (After that, then go to NEXT SLIDE)
So, you might be thinking “I want MY project to be an Eagle Project not a Seagull Project, but who can help me make that happen?”
Stake Eagle Coaches to the Rescue! Your Stake Eagle Coach is trained and ready to help you be successful! In most stakes, the Eagle Coaches are the Stake Young Men presidency members. In some stakes, the Eagle Coaches are called to serve because they are longtime Scouters, like me, who like to volunteer their time to help Life Scouts like you achieve Eagle Scout rank. So, how do you find out who your Stake Eagle Coach is? (NEXT SLIDE) Stake Eagle Coaches to the Rescue!
“Utah National Parks Council, Resources to help you: ALL on the Orem District Website! Enter search term: “Utah National Parks Council, Orem District” You can find out the name and phone number for your Stake Eagle Coach, plus LOTS of other helpful information on the Orem District website. The easiest way to find the website is to search the web for “Utah National Parks Council, Orem District”. (NEXT SLIDE)
This is what the Orem District homepage looks like This is what the Orem District homepage looks like. Now, click on the Eagle Scout rank badge. (NEXT SLIDE)
This is what the Eagle advancement page looks like. (NEXT SLIDE)
Merit Badge Counselors Orem DistrictEagle Advancement Eagle Advancement Merit Badge Counselors Tenderfoot to Eagle tracking sheet (updated 4/7/10) Eagle Project Workbook Eagle Application (2014 version) Orem District Eagle Coaches Council Statistics Form Eagle Rank Checklist (updated 1/2014) Eagle Project Checklist (updated 1/23/14) Eagle Advancement Training Session 1 (updated 1/2014) Eagle Advancement Training Session 2 (updated 12/2013) Eagle Advancement Training Session 3 (updated 1/2014) Eagle Project Ideas and Contacts Blood Drives As Eagle Projects (2008 version) How To Choose An Eagle Project Application For Alternative Eagle Scout Rank Merit Badges Eagle Palm Application This is a close-up picture of the Resources List. THERE is the list of Orem District Eagle Coaches. Your Stake Eagle Coach should give you some of these other helpful worksheets. There is a worksheet HERE to help you choose a great Eagle project to do. There is a list HERE of Eagle Project Ideas and Contacts. There’s a link HERE for the PDF Eagle Project Workbook. There’s a link for a Step-by-Step Eagle Project Checklist. There’s a link for a Step-by-Step Eagle Scout Rank Checklist which will tell you what to do when you finish your Eagle project and are ready to apply for Eagle Scout Rank. And there is a link to the current Eagle Scout Rank Application form. All the info you need to get to Eagle Scout rank is here!
So, back to the important step in your journey to Eagle Scout rank that we are discussing tonight. Remember what the Chief Scout Executive of Boy Scouts of America said- “Think of your Eagle Scout service project as the ultimate "application phase" of what you have learned thus far in Scouting: leadership. . . responsibility. . . managing projects. . . applying your Scout Oath --"to help other people." (NEXT SLIDE)
Former Foster Child Gives Back AND “For most Eagle Scouts, the Eagle Scout service project becomes a truly defining moment in your quest for excellence. Planning and leadership skills utilized and memories of outcomes achieved will last you a lifetime. You will want to share those stories with others, so make it a worthy project!” And then my note- Think about what you want to be able to say in a job or mission interview when you are asked about your Eagle Project! Make sure your project is something you will be proud to talk about! (NEXT SLIDE) Former Foster Child Gives Back
CHALLENGE: How to Choose My Eagle Project? Our challenge to you tonight is to take this next step on your journey to Eagle Scout rank. NOW is the time to consider YOUR unique talents that you could use to lead and serve others through an Eagle Scout Service Project. Spring is a great time to plan. And this Summer is a perfect time to do your Eagle Project. Make it your goal to achieve Eagle Scout rank this year. I have a worksheet for you to take home. Use the worksheet to discover your skills and talents and think of some great possibilities for your Eagle Project. Then you will be able to “help other people” and have fun, too! My talents could help other people!
Eagle Scout Rank It’s not about the badge; it’s about the journey. “Eagle Scout rank. It’s not about the badge; it’s about the journey you took to get it.” Your Eagle Project is part of that journey, so make it a great step! You’ll be proud you did. It’s not about the badge; it’s about the journey.