Take out a pencil and piece of paper Bell Work 6th Period Take out a pencil and piece of paper
On your paper, answer in complete sentences On your paper, answer in complete sentences. How can you be a positive participant in the PBS program? What are some things that you can do to earn Hawk Eyes by following The Big 3?
Review of Hawk Expectations
CAR LINE – Do what’s right. Hawk Expectations CAR LINE – Do what’s right. What are you expected to do when you arrive at the car line? What are you to be doing while you are waiting in the car line?
Hawk Expectations CAR LINE – Do your best. When every student goes to the adult at the crosswalk, what type of environment is created? Why would you need to be aware of your surroundings in the car line? What’s happening there?
CAR LINE – Treat others the way you want to be treated. Hawk Expectations CAR LINE – Treat others the way you want to be treated. Who should you be listening to at the car line? Why is it important that you are using appropriate volume, tone, and language in the car line?
Classroom Procedures
Review of Classroom Procedures * 07/16/96 Review of Classroom Procedures When there is a substitute teacher, the expectation is that he/she will be treated with respect. Students will do as he/she asks. All procedures left by the teacher will be followed. *
Opportunity Area Opportunity Area in class is located … * 07/16/96 Opportunity Area Opportunity Area in class is located … The procedure for using the area in this class is … The procedure for using the area when sent to another teacher’s class is . . . *
Dismissal Procedures Students are to walk with their teacher to the bus loop or car line. Exit the campus in an orderly fashion. Use appropriate volume, tone, and language. What’s your bus route number?
Any Questions Do you have any questions about this class or any school-wide procedures? ?
Any Questions Remember that you have many resources to guide you and answer any questions you have. Use your resources: Student Handbook Code of Student Conduct Horizon Academy Website Staff of Horizon Academy at Marion Oaks
Dress Code Review
Girls’ Basic Uniform Shirt or Blouse Sleeved and Collared Solid in color Black, Navy, White, Gold, or Yellow Skirt, Walking Shorts, Slacks, Skorts Navy, Black, or Khaki/Tan
Boys’ Basic Uniform Shirt Sleeved and Collared Solid in color Black, Navy, White, Gold, or Yellow Long pants or walking shorts Navy, Black, or Khaki/Tan
General Requirements Shirts or blouses are to be tucked into the waistband of the pants, shorts or skirt. Shirts are to be buttoned, minus one or two top buttons. Belts are to be worn with clothing items that have belt loops. Belts must be a solid color of black, navy blue, khaki, tan, or brown.
General Requirements Pants are to be straight legged. Pants are to be worn at the waist and not below the waist. Clothing is to be the appropriate size.
General Requirements Students may wear hemmed walking shorts or Bermuda shorts. Female students may wear skorts, skirts or dresses provided that the items are hemmed and the lengths are mid-thigh or longer.
Shoes All shoes worn must have rubber soles, laces or velcro, and cover the whole foot. Shoes my not be more than 2 inches above the ankle.
Outer Garments Solid hoodies or sweaters of dress code color may be worn over a collared shirt or blouse, as temperature dictates. A small logo no larger than 2 x 2 inches on the front is acceptable. There may be no other trim, stripes, or decoration. Official Horizon hoodies are acceptable. Outer garments not meeting dress code must be removed in the classroom.
Drill Procedures
Drill Procedures Drills are practices to make sure that we are all familiar with what to do in the case of an emergency. ______________________________ Drills are to be taken seriously. Listen to and follow the directions of the adult in charge.
Tornado Drill Tornado Watch means that bad weather is in the area. Teaching will continue, but students will remain in the classroom.
Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted. Tornado Drill Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted. In classrooms with windows: Move to the wall farthest from windows. Kneel, facing the wall with your hands over your head.
Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted. Tornado Drill Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted. In classrooms without windows: Move to the interior wall. Kneel, facing the wall with your hands over your head.
Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted. Tornado Drill Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted. In classrooms located upstairs: Move quietly to the first floor hallway. Kneel, facing the wall with your hands over your head.
Code Yellow Procedures Classroom doors are locked by the teacher. Instruction continues. Listen to and follow the directions of the adult in charge.
Code Red Procedures Classroom doors are locked by the teacher and lights are turned off. All students sit in silence on the floor out of view from the doors and windows. Listen to and follow the directions of the adult in charge.
Review these procedures Code Yellow and Red Procedures Now… Review these procedures for this classroom.