Unit 1 Test 3 vocabulary Study Guide
Grain A seed of wheat
village Smaller than a town
harvest Gather ripe crops
crop A plantation
Kernal-seed of corn or other seed
storyteller Tell tales and stories
palace Home of a king or a queen
kingdom Country ruled by a king or queen England is a kingdom ruled by a queen.
granary A place where wheat is stored Old graneries New graneries
A proclamation An important message
annoyed Upset, bothered
Insisted on telling Said again and again that must be told
Goatherd Person who takes care of goats
meadow Flat grassy area or field
To fill the time To do something so that he would not get bored
overheard Heard someone talking to each other. Someone heard the girls talking to each other.
well A water supply
announced Said in an important way
Corn cribs Small buildings for storing corn.
eaves Part of the barn where the roof joins the wall
dove Small white or light-colored bird
Worthy of my hand Good enough to marry me
distinct Special, different
plot Chain of events in the story
Main character Most important person in a story
reflect Tell us about show us about
similarities Things that are almost the same
Venn diagram Details Dogs Cats Both Domestic Friendly carnivores
Venn diagram From ethiopia Won princess as wife Details The farmer From ethiopia Won princess as wife Entered storytelling contest Man Told unending story Woman From Spain Won half the kingdom The Goatherd Both
Common and Proper Nouns Mr Jenkins, children, story, woman, Greece, Pandora, messenger box, problems, world, Common Nouns Proper Nouns children story woman messenger box problems world Mr. Jenkins Greece Pandora
Phrases to know Solve the riddles Palace gates React to stories they heard Got angry Annoyed Delighted Disappointed No one won the contest Shy lonely You have proved worthy of my hand Will agree to hear Agree to marry Will ask to replace the corncribs Folktales Give away Stories that do not end Clever enormous
Questions to know What is the surprise in the two folk tales? What does the Ethiopian saying “one grain at a time brings good fortune” mean? What makes a good storyteller? What message can we learn today from these folktales?
Turn in your work Vocab. 40-46 Questions pg. 43,45 2 summaries Practice book pg.15,17,19,18, Grammar practice pg.5,6,7,8