PDI Demonstration – Technical Considerations Steve Moore Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology
PDI Technical Considerations Contact Information Steve Moore Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology +1 314 362 6965 moores@mir.wustl.edu Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
PDI Technical Considerations Outline “RSNA” CD Check Roles Demonstration Responsibilities Key Dates Pre-demonstration Responsibilities Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
PDI Technical Considerations “RSNA” CD RSNA will produce one CD for distribution CD will contain data submitted from several sources Data likely will cover several “patients” First sample: Aug 30 (zip file, not physical CD) Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
PDI Technical Considerations RSNA CD Content DICOMDIR DICOM Composite Objects Web option under consideration (software to produce is the issue) Writer software likely OFFIS DCMTK Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
Reminder to Check Roles of Participants RSNA FTP site has a spreadsheet with contact info and your roles Please confirm your roles to Steve Moore Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
Portable Media Creators Demonstration options Pre-burned CDs (are fast/simple) Burn on demand Must write (human-readable) label on CD Only use content tested during test period If you burn on demand (modified content), you must change UIDs in images Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
“Burn On Demand” – Existing Content Some Media Creators only take input data and copy to CD. They do not change information in the data. They will burn CDs with the same patient ID, patient name and all DICOM UIDs Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
“Burn on Demand” – Modified Content These systems can generate new content (e.g., CT scanner) They could write attendee name, badge number into the DICOM header If you do this, you shall issue new DICOM UIDs in these images Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
PDI Technical Considerations Media Creator Tips Small image sets How long does an attendee want to wait? Tailor to some simple clinical example Include Web option if possible Choose images with good viewing parameters (window width/level) Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
PDI Technical Considerations Viewers Image Display Display (ITI) Report Reader Print Composer Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
Viewer Demonstration Responsibility Must be able to open all media ITI Rad-3: If a SOP Class on the media is not supported, the actor shall present the user with a summary of the data that could not be acted upon, containing the Patient Name(s) and ID(s), Study ID(s), Study Date(s), Study and Series Description(s) and Modality as obtained (if present) from the DICOMDIR file. Please spend some time in the booth discussing inter-operability Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
Media Importer Demonstration Responsibility Must be able to open all media Rad TF 3: Together with the actor with which it is grouped (see vol 1), it shall be able to perform key attribute reconciliation…. Please spend some time in the booth discussing inter-operability Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
PDI Technical Considerations Duplicate Disk Issue Media Readers (all) will see duplicate data throughout the annual meeting One example is the RSNA CD You need to have a plan For example, delete the data after the attendee leaves Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
PDI Technical Considerations Key Dates Aug 13 Test Tools: Alpha Aug 30 Test Tools: 1.0 Oct 4 Creators submit samples Oct 18 RSNA/MIR redistribute vendor samples Nov 1 Proof of success: import Nov 28-Dec 23 RSNA Annual Meeting Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
Responsibilities: Media Creator Pass all media tests Supply N (25) identical media samples to MIR Supply another round of samples if necessary Do not produce different content at the RSNA Annual Meeting “Make it work” Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
PDI Technical Considerations Non-RSNA Demo Media Media Creators can send extra disks to us for testing These should be clearly labeled not for the RSNA Annual Meeting We can redistribute to other participants to allow for wider testing Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
Responsibilities: Media Viewers and Media Importer Test with RSNA CD (need firm date) Provide comments by (need firm date) Test with Media Creator CDs (all vendors); if there are problems, you need to be specific about the issue Provide proof of success or comments on CDs by Nov 1 “Make it work” Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
PDI Technical Considerations RSNA Dress Rehearsal We (Carr, Moore) need to discuss how we test this on the floor during setup Designate RSNA Annual Meeting Contact(s) (Name, email, US cell phone) Contact(s) must be available during exhibit hours (Sun-Thu) to troubleshoot issues Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
PDI Technical Considerations Administration Send me contact information for show Send me list of supported storage SOP classes Tell me if you support Web option Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
Useful Option for Media Creators Send me a CD today with CD content ftp a zip file to me with CD content I will test with our test tools I will post zip file for other participants to test against Not required but would be a big help Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
IHE Meetings in Sep and Oct Meetings are to Describe new profiles in 3 domains Call participation at ACC and HIMSS demos These meetings are not required for PDI demonstration PDI demo is handled separately Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations
PDI Technical Considerations Sample Test Output Aug 11, 2004 PDI Technical Considerations