Oceanography DR 2.1: “Earth’s Oceans” DR 2.2: “The Ocean Floor” Goal Homework Go over the Geology Unit Test. Brainstorm about the world’s oceans. The first 3 directed readings are all due by Friday: DR 2.1: “Earth’s Oceans” DR 2.2: “The Ocean Floor” DR 2.3: “Life in the Ocean”
Oceanography In your science journal Goal Homework Go over the Geology Unit Test. Brainstorm about the world’s oceans. none Warm-up In your science journal Create a title page for Oceanography. Then… What is the difference between an ocean and a sea? (HINT Geologically speaking, what’s at the bottom of an ocean?)
Picture of the Day M42: Orion Nebula
Science Unit Tests 25 20 15 10 15 15 Geo. Ocean. Evo. Paleo. Bot. Ecol. 25 20 15 10 15 15
Brainstorm Questions How many oceans are there? How much of the earth’s surface is covered by water? What percentage of the earth’s water is freshwater? What percentage of the earth’s water is accessible for us to drink? Why are the oceans salty?
Got Oceans? 4 How many oceans are there? #4 Arctic Ocean #1 Atlantic Ocean (Pacific) #2 Pacific Ocean #3 Indian Ocean
Got Oceans? North Pole South Pole
The World’s Oceans Pacific Arctic Indian Arctic Atlantic Pacific Largest? Smallest? Warmest? Coldest? Getting larger? Shrinking? Arctic Indian Arctic Atlantic Pacific
Brainstorm Questions How many oceans are there? How much of the earth’s surface is covered by water? What percentage of the earth’s water is freshwater? What percentage of the earth’s water is accessible to drink? Why are the oceans salty?
Oceanography Begin working on Oceanography Pre-Test Go over Geology unit test Test your knowledge of the oceans Goals Homework DR 2.1; finish map Warm-up Begin working on Oceanography Pre-Test IF YOU WERE ABSENT: take a map from front counter
A new island forming off the coast of Japan Picture of the Day A new island forming off the coast of Japan
World Map Bodies of Water Landmasses
World Map Bodies of Water Landmasses Arctic Ocean Pacific Ocean Baffin Bay Arctic Ocean Bering Sea Hudson Bay North Sea Labrador Sea Black Sea Sea of Japan Gulf of Alaska Persian Gulf Mediterranean Sea Gulf of Mexico Red Sea Caribbean Sea Philippine Sea Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean Coral Sea Tasman Sea Weddell Sea
World Map Bodies of Water Landmasses Europe United States Africa Baffin Island Greenland Iceland Russia Canada Europe Aleutian Islands United States Japan India Mexico Philippines Hawaii Africa Indonesia South America Australia Madagascar New Zealand Antarctica
The spinning tube trick Veritasium The spinning tube trick
Ocean Temperature Goal Homework none Warm-up Know how the water temperature changes with the ocean depth. none Warm-up Grab your new Oceanography book from the cabinet. Read about temperature zones on p. 41 and look at Figure 5. Then, in your science journal What are the three temperature zones of the ocean. Describe how the temperature changes the deeper you go.
Picture of the Day On Jan. 22, 1943 in Spearfish, South Dakota, the temperature fluctuated from a frigid -4°F up to 45°F in a matter of just two minutes. That's a temperature increase of 49 degrees! But that's not the end of this wild morning weather story. After the temperature climbed all the way to 54°F at 9 a.m., it crashed down again 58°F in 27 minutes to -4°F once again.
The spinning tube trick Veritasium The spinning tube trick
Bodies of Water Sea Gulf Bay Estuary any large body of salt water, smaller than an ocean, partly or entirely enclosed by land a large bay; an arm of an ocean or sea extending into the land part of a sea or lake extending into the land a broad mouth of a river into which the tide flows
World Map Bodies of Water Landmasses
World Map Bodies of Water Landmasses Arctic Ocean Pacific Ocean Baffin Bay Arctic Ocean Bering Sea Hudson Bay North Sea Labrador Sea Black Sea Sea of Japan Gulf of Alaska Persian Gulf Mediterranean Sea Gulf of Mexico Red Sea Caribbean Sea Philippine Sea Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean Coral Sea Tasman Sea Weddell Sea
World Map Bodies of Water Landmasses Europe United States Africa Baffin Island Greenland Iceland Russia Canada Europe Aleutian Islands United States Japan India Mexico Philippines Hawaii Africa Indonesia South America Australia Madagascar New Zealand Antarctica
World Map Bodies of Water Landmasses
Geography Review Landmasses M K L G C F R A P N D T S E O B J Q I H Baffin Island M Greenland K L Iceland G C Russia Canada F Europe Aleutian Islands R United States A P Japan India N Mexico D T Philippines Hawaii S E Africa Indonesia O South America B Australia J Madagascar Q New Zealand I Antarctica H
Geography Review Bodies of Water U D E I T G K S P H R Q J F N A C B L Baffin Bay U Arctic Ocean D Bering Sea E Hudson Bay North Sea I T G Black Sea K Sea of Japan Gulf of Alaska S Labrador Sea P H Persian Gulf R Mediterranean Sea Gulf of Mexico Q Red Sea J F Caribbean Sea Philippine Sea N Pacific Ocean A Indian Ocean C Atlantic Ocean B Coral Sea L Tasman Sea M Weddell Sea O
Word Bank Bodies of Water: Pacific Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Coral Sea, Philippine Sea, Arctic Ocean, Tasman Sea, Black Sea, Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Bering Sea, Labrador Sea, Persian Gulf, Sea of Japan, Gulf of Mexico, Baffin Bay, Gulf of Alaska, Hudson Bay, Weddell Sea Landmasses: Russia, Iceland, Indonesia, Greenland, Japan, Baffin Island, Africa, Australia, India, Mexico, South America, New Zealand, Europe, Hawaii, Canada, Antarctica, United States, Madagascar, Aleutian Islands, Philippines
Click HERE to access Excel spreadsheet. Temperature (°C) Temp. Data How does temperature change with depth? What is the thermocline? Click HERE to access Excel spreadsheet.
World Map What are these numbers?
So what does “high latitude” mean? “Mid latitude”? “Low latitude”?