Presentation оn the topic: «The life and work of N.M. Karamzin» МБОУ Ершовская средняя общеобразовательная школа имени Героя Советского Союза Василия Фабричнова Presentation оn the topic: «The life and work of N.M. Karamzin» Выполнила: обучающаяся 7 класса Коновалова Арина Учитель: Куфтерина Ольга Петровна Ершово - 2016
Nikolay Karamzin (1766 - 1826) What has addressed in our literature - around a start Karamzin: journalism, criticism, novellas, novels, historical, publitsizmu, the study of history. V.G.Belinsky
Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin - the famous Russian writer, poet, journalist and historian.? Having begun literary activity in 1783. Translated from the German, in 1787-1789. Karamzin, took part in the periodical "Reflections on the works of God ...", which published translations, mainly German, works.
Gentility, but rather poor Simbirsk Gentility, but rather poor aristocratic family Secular education foreign Languages languages N.M.Karamzin Journey in Europe Military service Passion Freemasonry lesson literature The study of history Death of father resignation Simbirsk
Sentimentalism Artistic direction (flow) in the arts and literature of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. From Eng. SENTIMENTAL - sensitive. "An elegant image of the main and everyday" (PA Vyazemsky.)
In 1791-1792 gg. after a year of traveling in Europe, they were taken edition "Moscow Journal", which gave Russian journalism, according to Yu Lotman, standard Russian literary criticism of the magazine. A significant part of the publications it consists of works of Karamzin, in particular, the fruit of his trip to Europe - "Letters of a Russian traveler," has determined the fundamental tone of the magazine - educational, but without excessive officious. However, in 1792, "Moscow Journal" was terminated after the publication in its ode Karamzin's "bounty", the reason for the creation of which was the arrest of a close Russian writer Karamzin N. Novikov.
In addition to "Letters Russian traveler" it was published his novel of Russian life? "Poor Liza", Natalia, Boyar's Daughter "and the essay" Flor Silin. "In these Works most powerfully expressed the basic features of sentimental Karamzin and his school. Kiprensky. Poor Liza.
In 1790-ies. Karamzin devoted much attention to journalism In 1790-ies. Karamzin devoted much attention to journalism. In 1795, he led the section "mixture" in the "Moscow News". Bold his articles on Russian literature and history were published in the period abroad in the journal "Spectateur du Nord".
In 1798, Karamzin was founded "Pantheon of foreign literature", regularly supplying Russian reader samples of a wide range of literature in translation.
Three years later, together with a relative of P. P Three years later, together with a relative of P.P. Beketov was undertaken by an illustrated edition of a periodic series of "Pantheon of Russian authors, or their collection of portraits with comments".
Even more significant was the publication of the magazine "Herald of Europe", creates a type of Russian "thick journal".
Topped with a literary career, N. M Topped with a literary career, N.M. Karamzin creation and publication in 1803-1826, the eight volumes of the fundamental "History of the Russian state."