Sorry Mr. Fuller, I couldn't think of a title. Sigmund Freud Period 8 Nicole Trachtenberg
Background: Freud was born on May 6, 1856 and died on September 23, 1939. He lived in Austria for the majority of his life. His major area of study was the unconscious mind, having to do with things like dreams and repressed memories. His perspective was psychoanalytic. Psychoanalysis is a questionably scientific psychological theory developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by Freud himself.
Studies: Most of Freud’s major research was composed of postulations that sexual drives were the primary motivational forces of human life. Freud developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association and he interpreted dreams as sources of insight into unconscious desires. He also established idea of the ego, super ego and the id. The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud is best known for his tendency to trace nearly all psychological problems back to sexual issues. Freud’s major findings include the development of "free association“ and the theory of the Oedipal complex. When he published his theories he shocked the world by claiming that even infants had a sex drive and that little boys are sexually attracted to their own mothers and see their fathers as sexual rivals and often hate them.
Freud’s biggest accomplishments are his theories of the Oedipus Complex, personality influences, the unconscious mind, sexuality and dreams, and his development of free association. I personally think that a lot of Freud’s theories make sense and are almost plausible though I may not agree with them. Discussion Question: What are your thoughts on the Oedipal conflict?
"Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy "Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy." –Sigmund Freud