Bellwork: 1) Do you think it is valuable for people to study psychology? WHY?
Today’s Topics Key figures (important people) and their influence on the field of psychology. Scientific Method
KEY FIGURES!!! Wilhelm Wundt: FOUNDER of Psych Introduced INTROSPECTION: looking inside oneself and describing what is going on. Used in Clinical Psych Approach: Voluntarism~ free will, choice, and purpose Famous for: Discovered that mind and behavior can be studied scientifically.
Introspection Study Studies can be similar to… a self-reflection Such as Do I like this class? What about this class makes me like it? What causes me to like this class and someone else not to?
William James Worked with John Dewey to create psych in AMERICA to help people adapt to environments. Interested in differences in people. Approach: FUNCTIONALISM: how the mind functions. PRAGMATISM: if an idea works it is useful Famous for: focusing on individuals experiences including behavior
Functionalism is like… Something that can be realized: Such as Pain… If you can say that something is wrong If you want the thought to go away If you produce anxiety If you produce moaning or crying… What could be another functionalist study…
FREUD Focus on unconscious mind and personality. Studied child development and dreams Approach: PSYCHOANALYSIS: treating mental illness using the unconscious mind Famous for: importance of unconscious and early experiences
Psychoanalysis is like Is when Freud is using Dreams and free association to understand the deeper issue at hand. Such as… Lets look at pictures Ink blot test: goggle 8
John B Watson Behavior is created by association created in the brain. Focused on how we learn and experiences Approach: BEHAVIORISM: focus on behavior Famous For: Learning Theories still in use
HOMEWORK: Who do you think is the most Important. WHY HOMEWORK: Who do you think is the most Important? WHY?? You have to back it up Have reasons we will be checking where everyone stands tomorrow in class…