Sigmund Freud Psychoanalysis 1856 - 1939
Conscious Everything that we are aware of in any given moment.
Preconscious Stored information that is needed. Freudian slip
The Unconscious The psychological part of us that contains childhood conflicts we are unaware of but that continue to control our behavior. Free Association Libido (sexual) & Aggressive
Structure of the Personality Id Ego Super Ego
ID Reservoir or container of the instinctual urges. Seeks immediate gratification of desire. “What a person wants to do!”
EGO Rational, thoughtful, realistic personality process. Mostly conscious in contact with the external reality. “Planning what you can do!”
SUPER EGO Moral part of the personality. The source of the conscience. Self-observation, and formation of ideals. “What you should do!”
Organization The Ego must find a way to satisfy the Id, without offending the Super-Ego.