What is Prayerfulness? It is the human inclination towards engagement in conversation with God It is the heart’s yearning for intimacy between the human spirit and God It is a way of life that reflects a posture of humility, attentiveness and responsiveness to God
What is Prayer? The Divine – Human Conversation Our response to God’s initiative Listening and speaking and listening It begins from the heart
What are the Elements of Prayer Adoration A Confession C Thanksgiving T Supplication S
Prayers of Adoration Ascribing glory to God Expressions of love for God The use of titles and adjectives that express the nature of God From Isaiah 6:3 And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”
Prayers of Adoration “This, then, is how you should pray: From Matthew 6:9 “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, …’” In teaching our children and grandchildren how to pray: “Dear God, you are … “
Prayers of Confession Expressions of repentance before God Naming our mistakes/sins of misdeeds and omissions Seeking God’s forgiveness From Isaiah 6:5 “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”
Prayers of Confession From Matthew 6:12 “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” In teaching our children and grandchildren how to pray: “Dear God, I am sorry for … “
Prayers of Thanksgiving Expressions of appreciation for all that God has done Giving thanks for God’s gift of grace and salvation Acknowledging and naming God’s blessings From Isaiah 6:6-7 Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.”
Prayers of Thanksgiving From Matthew 6:14 “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” In teaching our children and grandchildren how to pray: “Dear God, thank you for … “
Prayers of Supplication Prayers for ourselves Prayers for others – also called intercessions Prayers for the coming of the Kingdom of God From Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Prayers of Supplication From Matthew 6:14 “… your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread … And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” In teaching our children and grandchildren how to pray: “Dear God, please … “
Growing in Prayerfulness Nurturing a personal and corporate way of life that reflects a posture of humility, attentiveness and responsiveness to God Understanding the principle elements of prayer that provide a framework and a flow for our conversation with God Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication