Problem (or Opportunity) Statement Good Problem statements should answer the following questions: What is occurring? Where is the problem? When did the problem start? (or when did you notice it) Extent (Gap) of the problem or opportunity Very patient/customer focused Address business case, when applicable Show why a change is needed Example Problem Statement: From January to October 2015, patient experience scores on Founders 14 for RN and MD communication were 5 points below the national average, and 7 to 8 points below the HUP average. In addition, from October to November 2015, only 57% of sampled patients on Founders 14 rated their knowledge of their Plan of Care (POC) for the day as “Very Good”. Lack of Plan of Care (POC) knowledge affects patients’ ability to provide truly informed consent to inpatient treatment, and to prepare to assume their own care upon discharge. This can lead to decreased patient satisfaction scores (HCAHPS), which decreases hospital revenue and negatively affects Medicare reimbursement rates. Write Version 1 of Your Problem Statement Here: