BA 5201 Organization and Management What are organizations? Instructor: Çağrı Topal
General context Globalization Competition Business ethics and social responsibility Speed of environmental change Internet and digital technologies Diversity
Definition A system of two or more people working together cooperatively within identifiable boundaries surrounded by an external environment to accomplish a common goal or objective Holistic and synergistic People or members Common goals or objectives Division of labor among members Membership or activity boundaries Open system within an environment
Organization as an open system External environment Processes Inputs Transformation Outputs Sources of inputs and constraints Human resources Material resources Financial resources Information Production Management Maintenance Adaptation Sales of output Advertising Public relations Output opportunities and constraints Subsystems
History of organization theory Adam Smith and division of labor Max Weber and bureaucracy Classical school: Frederick Taylor and scientific management Classical school: Henry Fayol and coordination/specialization Human relations school and social interactions Contingency school and contextual design