Quality Leadership Profile for Schools QLPS Quality Leadership Middle Management for Schools QLMMS Originally authored by Allan Shaw, and subsequently updated by Malcolm Lamb, former Principal and former National Chair of AHISA
THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA About the QLPS A ‘360 degree’ feedback survey for leadership development Originally developed by QUT; refined by Voice Project (NSW) in 2013 Used by education leaders for thirteen years Enhanced and refined by AHISA and ACEL to create the Quality Leadership Profile for Schools (QLPS) as a tool specifically focused on school leadership Benchmark scores involving >1,300 people THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA
THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA QLPS Framework Area Factor Staff Motivation and Involvement Consultative Management Staff Development Team Environment Strategic and Operational Management Change and Innovation Making Decisions Systems and Processes Community Outreach and Student and Parent Focus Community Outreach Student and Parent Focus Academic Leadership Personal, Relational and Strategic Capability in Leadership Personal Capability Relational Capability Strategic Capability Perceived Effectiveness THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA
THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA Purpose of the QLPS Gain a snapshot of the perceptions of supervisors, peers and staff in the workplace Provides an opportunity to act on the evidence gathered Affirm and acknowledge perceived strengths Model reflective practice and continuous improvement Increase synergy between ‘how we say we act’ and ‘how we act’ (Ref. Delahaye, 2000: ‘legitimate’ and‘shadow system’) Point to pathways for further professional development THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA
THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA QLPS – Features Tailored to independent school leadership Focussed on appraisal for professional developmt Independent testament on leadership & practice Mapped to ACEL Leadership Capability Framework Administration & responses are fully-automated Confidentiality assured, hard copies left with school and no further access to electronic data ‘No comment’ response available on each item Cost: $600 plus GST per QLPS candidate and reasonable travel and accommodation expenses for the debriefer THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA
QLPS – Summary information 5 point Lickert scale For each of the 12 factors: Average scores across each factor for ‘self’, ‘reports’, ‘peer’, ‘general staff’ and ‘manager’ Comparison to benchmark score Highest scoring 10 items overall Lowest scoring 10 items overall Main areas of perceived development need shown as a percentage by self or others Number of overall contributors to the survey – unlimited but about 40 recommended THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA
QLPS – What’s in it for you? Affirmation and signposts Opportunity to tailor professional development specifically to perceived needs Opportunity to adjust practice where useful ‘Gift of information’ (gathering perceptions already in existence but unquantified) Gain base line data for iterative review Evidence of the leader’s commitment to reflective practice and continuous improvement Modelling reflective practice and review THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA
QLPS – Reflective possibilities What are some of the strategies/behaviours that contribute to the high scoring items? Might these perceived ‘high points’ be further leveraged for enhanced outcomes? Is the pattern surprising? …not surprising? What are one or two actions which might be taken to improve perceptions/performance on the lower scoring items? Development of a cohesive action plan by the appraisee in consultation with supervisor THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA
THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA QLPS – Strategic Uses Increasing reciprocal understanding at the individual and corporate level of: Desired goals, values and practice Listening, reflection & continuous improvement Modelling good ‘receipt of feedback’practice Developing mutually beneficial feedback loops Alignment of development plans with strategic goals/directions Developing and monitoring an action plan so to maintain conversations THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA
QLMMS – a brief introduction A ‘360 degree’ feedback survey for leadership development at middle management level Produced in co-operation with Voice Project in 2013 Tool was launched in Australia in 2015 and used in two major schools to date Adds two new capabilities: “Aspirational Capability” and “Professional Capability” Modifies many of the QLPS items to suit middle managers in independent schools THE ASSOCIATION OF HEADS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS OF AUSTRALIA