Outline of the Presentation Purpose of the Presentation Background Powers and duties of the CDA Strategic objectives of the CDA Budgeted Programmes and Activities for 2005/2006 Financial Year Conclusion
Purpose of the Presentation The purpose is to inform the Portfolio Committee on the activities of the CDA with its budget for 2005/2006 Financial Year. To seek political support from the Portfolio Committee and also put substance abuse and CDA on public and political agenda
Background The Central Drug Authority was established in terms of the Prevention and Treatment of the Drug Dependency Amendment Act, No. 14 of 1999 Members of CDA are appointed by Minister and consist of representatives from 14 Government departments and 12 experts in the field of substance abuse
Powers and duties of Drug Authority >In terms of the Act the CDA is expected to do the following: Shall give effect to the National Drug Master Plan in accordance with the guidelines set out therein; Shall advise the Minister on any matter affecting the abuse of drugs referred to the [Board] Drug Authority by the Minister for advice, and may advise the Minister on any matter on which the [Board] Drug Authority considers it necessary to advise the Minister.
Powers and duties cont. May plan, coordinate and promote measures relating to the prevention and combating of the drugs and the treatment of persons dependent on drugs in accordance with the National Drug Master Plan [May plan and recommend to the Minister any research relating to drugs or the abuse thereof and may give guidance to other bodies conducting such research] Shall review the National Drug Master Plan every five years and submit to cabinet for approval
Powers and duties cont. May [with the approval of the Minister] arrange conferences relating to matters concerning the functions of the [Board] Drug Authority May exercise such powers and shall perform such duties as may be determined by the Minister from time to time
Strategic Objectives of CDA To manage NDMP by giving effect to the guideline set therein by 2010 To facilitate the development of Mini Drug Master plan by all the relevant Govt Depts To ensure effective administrative support to the CDA by the Secretariat To strengthen and maintain the Provincial Substance Abuse Forums
Strategic Objectives Cont. To facilitate the establishment of Local Drug Action Committees through the Provincial Forums To ensure an effective communication strategy both within NDMP structures and to Public To ensure Monitoring and Evaluation of each objectives as outlined in the NDMP
Strategic Objectives Cont. To ensure research and information dissemination To ensure provision of effective governance within the CDA To report CDA activities to Parliament To engage all the stakeholders in Conferences/Imbizo-Road Shows
BUDGETED ACTIVITIES FOR 2005/2006 FINANCIAL YEAR Output Outcome Budget 2 Full CDA meetings (flights, accommodation, venue and allowances-11 members) Minutes and reports Finalise strategic plan 2005; Annual report 2005 & Cannabis paper R48 000,00 4 CDA EXCO meetings Finalise NDMP; & other issues R96 000,00
Budget cont 1 Newsletter Copies of the news letters available Update people on substance abuse issues R4 600,00 1visit to all Provincial forums for 1 person Reports Monitoring and evaluation R15 000,00 1 visit to all Local Drug Action Committees Facilitation, Monitoring and evaluation
Budget continue CDA Annual Report 2005 (Editing and printing) Document available Provide the progress on how South Africa is combating and preventing substance abuse R18 000,00
Budget cont. National Drug Master Plan (consultation with provinces, editing and printing) Document available Guide the country on prevention of substance abuse and advise the Minister R200 000,00
Budget cont Appointment of new CDA members (Media advertising) Document available Provide the progress on how South Africa is preventing Substance Abuse R33 400,00 is available
Total budget for the financial year 2005/2006
Conclusion It is important to mention that the CDA does not have a budget of its own but shares with Substance Abuse line function within the Department of Social Development
Conclusion cont. It is important to note that South Africa is a signatory to United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988, which states that parties should adopt appropriate measures aimed at eliminating or reducing illicit demand for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
Conclusion THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Resources are required in order to enable the implementation of the National Drug Master Plan be possible THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION