Causes of the Revolution Section 2
Townshend Act- 1767 England didn’t want any more problems, but she still needed money Said: A. 1. import tax on glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea 2. Writs of assistance- allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goods 3. suspended NY’s assembly until they quartered soldiers
B. Reaction of Sam Adams and other colonists: started a boycott of English goods Adams (leader of the Sons of Liberty) said law violated colonists'’ rights C. Reaction of The Daughters of Liberty: supported the boycott and told people to make their own cloth and use American products
D. British troops arrive to restore order
Boston Massacre- 1770 A. In 1768: 1,000 British soldiers arrived in Boston under General Gage. On March 5, 1770: a British soldier standing guard had an argument with a colonist and struck him. More troops and more colonists arrive. Colonists and English soldiers began to call each other names, and throw snowballs. Soldiers fired shots, and killed 5 colonists. Crispus Attucks was first casualty. (Why is this ironic?)
Tea Act of 1773 A. The British had been hurt by boycotts and repealed all the Townshend Act taxes B. But kept the tax on: tea. C. The Tea Act said: The British East India company could sell tea directly to the colonists. Colonists must buy this tea and pay a tax on it.
D. Reaction to the Tea Act : Sons of Liberty demanded that the ships carrying tea leave Boston, but the gov. said no. So the S of L dressed up as Indians, went on the tea ships, and destroyed 340 chests of tea. E. Some colonial leaders tried to make up for the lost tea by: paying England for the tea, but Parliament wanted payment for the tea and the Sons of Liberty to be put on trial for the “Tea Party”.
Intolerable Acts- 1774 A. Reason: to punish MA for the Boston Tea Party. B. Said: 1. Close Boston ports until tea is paid for 2. MA charter was cancelled and gov. would decide when legislature would meet. 3. If British officials go on trial, they have the trial in England
4. A new Quartering Act required colonist to house British soldiers. 5 4. A new Quartering Act required colonist to house British soldiers. 5. Quebec gets large amounts of land 6. Thomas Gage becomes new governor of MA.