American Revolution Stations 1 station per day If not finished with a station, you MUST finish it for homework Each station gets a grade = 4 grades Participation grade = for each time you are off task, 1 grade lowered
Station 1 = THE BATTLES Battle of Trenton Battle of Saratoga Battles of New York Read through the information, watch the video, then answer the questions online to see if you get them correct Make sure that you answer on your notes page There are 3 of them to do and complete
Station 2 = PEOPLE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Must explain who they are Must explain why they have to be remembered in history (why are they so important?) John Adams Sam Adams Marquis de Lafayette Baron von Steuban Hessians (google) 2 of your choice
Station 3 = TIMELINE OF AMERICAN REVOLUTION Put the events in order using the flow map thinking map (horizontal or vertical) This will require a lot of reading!
Station 4 = GEORGE WASHINGTON, VALLEY FORGE, & FIRE AND CAKES You have videos to watch Questions to answer Fire and Cakes primary source reading with questions (not online)
Grading notecard Name, date, hour, homeroom Label as “American Revolution Stations” Fold in ½ Write out 4 stations (1-4) on left hand side skipping lines On right hand side, label as “participation” and write out 4 stations (1-4) skipping lines