Proposal Publications Policy Proposal
Summary Publication types Authorship Organisation and approval process
Publication types We distinguish the following publication types: General DataGrid overview publications. Overview publications on WP or subsystems. Publications on more specific subjects within the DataGrid project, hereafter called DataGrid Official Technical Notes. The aim of Technical Notes is twofold: they will help in recognizing individual contributions when the size of the project hinders personal recognition, they will document results of interest to the GRID community at large. Technical Notes should represent the work of a restricted number of individuals.
Authorship Depending of the publication types, the author list will contain: in case a (overview publications): name of the editor on behalf of the DataGrid project and a link to the list of all authors of DataGrid project in case b (overview publications on WP or subsystems): name of the editor on behalf of the DataGrid project and the name of the WP and a link to the list of all WP members in case c (technical notes): the main contributors should appear as co-authors. An acknowledgment to DataGrid should be given. Authorship on category c is the responsibility of the author who should consult with the people responsible for the work. Only a small number of authors will be involved in this case. Naturally, such work will often benefit from contributions, past or present, of persons other than the direct authors. When so, such help should be duly acknowledged, but not necessarily lead to inclusion into the author list. In any case publications will be identified as originating from the DataGrid project when published.
Organisation and process approval We propose the following organisation: The Project Manager will centralise publication proposals. The review process will be based on the following steps: Internal review within the workpackage. Review by the PTB. One week time. PTB approval (by mail). After approval the document will be published on the DataGrid Website, session DataGrid Papers: and in the associated WP EDMS publication repository.