TPAS Curriculum Setup Marty Katterheinrich Kevin Holloway Special Assigned GMS/Training Senior HR Specialist - Defiance Plant, Human Resources - Defiance Plant
Objective: Learn how to build and use a curriculum in TPAS Groups of employees have core courses they all need A curriculum is a good way to track those core courses on one page TPAS has curriculum courses to use as an anchor to tie all required courses to Let’s look at a finished product… Let’s review the Objectives: First I’d like to mention that normally we would ask what your expectation for this session would be. In this instance there could be so many variables of expectations concerning Macros that we feel that it would be better to take you through the content of our presentation for now. Is that Okay? If no rebuts, review each of the bulleted Objectives. Click through each bullet point; If there are no question or comments at this point. Let’s get to the Meat and Potato’s of this session Click;
Electrician Curriculum - Example So – How do you create this layout?
Start in the Plan Development Section
Look for a curriculum course in this section
First, select the Course Type: H&S, Technical, Leadership, etc. Then click “Add Course”
Type “tpas” in the course name search box and click “Search” Type “tpas” in the course name search box and click “Search”. This search is NOT case sensitive. All courses with TPAS in course name will be returned
This is the list that came back when I searched “tpas” – Look for a curriculum course that meets your needs. Make sure it is “Active”
Once you select a course, you are returned to this screen Select your audience Include in BOT You will not have any demand for this course – it is a tracking course. Click Save
Next, you go through the set up and tracking criteria
Select the Course Type and then find the Course
No criteria here is necessary Set the filters to match the desired output
This is the first thing I do for each New Course
Electrician Electrician Leader
Add Pre-Requisites to create the curriculum ALWAYS - SAVE
Start the COGNOS Reporting application
Run this report ONLY for curriculums
Select the course you want to run and click “Finish”
Test your patience…
This box will appear – If you have a TPAS Admin screen open, it may appear at the bottom of that screen. Always click Open – Never click Save. If you click Cancel, go back and Start Over
Click “Enable Editing”
Electrician Curriculum is produced The Status will always be Red and the Curriculum course column will always be blank. The Curriculum course is typically not attended – therefore, no completions. I usually hide these columns.
Electrician Curriculum – Cleaned up
PERT Team Curriculum
Confined Space Attendant Curriculum
TPAS Curriculum Setup Q & A 2015 Skill Development and Training Meeting TPAS Curriculum Setup Q & A