SUSTAINABLE LIVING in MALAYSIA (SLiM) – WORKSHOP & CONFERENCE PANEL 2 – Addressing Unsustainable Patterns of Production and Consumption - Consumer and Consumption Perspectives By Ratna Devi Nadarajan Malaysian Association of Standards Users 15 th June 2007 Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
CONTENT Current issues on unsustainable consumption patterns among consumers in Malaysia. The future generation and their perception – based on study in collaboration with FOMCA Deductions What can be done ? Ideas from Focus Group Discussions
Current issues on unsustainable consumption patterns among consumers in Malaysia
Various Energy Rating Labels
Current issues on unsustainable consumption patterns among consumers in Malaysia Eat out an Average of 5 times a month 71 % do not know the location of the nearest recycling centre – not recycling perhaps ? No membership in any environment clubs – BUT significant amount have been engaged in environment protection like recycling (related to SC), tree planting, river preservation, water and energy conservation during school.
NST 5 th June years later, it gulps 80,000 to 100,000 litres of fuel seven million cars on the road every day 500,000 new cars that hit the roads each year From the first day a car is on the road till it is abandoned, usually about 20 years later, it gulps 80,000 to 100,000 litres of fuel. While the emissions from one car might not be much, multiply this by the seven million cars on the road every day and the results are horrific. Add to this, the 500,000 new cars that hit the roads each year, increasing the ground-level ozone produced by their exhaust fumes. Experts say the only way to reduce hazardous ground level ozone is to switch to public transportation. Just doing that reduces ground level pollution by a factor of 10 for those travelling by bus, and 200 by LRT
Current issues on unsustainable consumption patterns among consumers in Malaysia ( NST 10 th June 2007 ) The rubbish generated in Kuala Lumpur alone is 2,500 tonnes per day. Times that by 365 days …… The rubbish generated in Kuala Lumpur alone is 2,500 tonnes per day. Times that by 365 days …… “If the battery is not segregated, it will end up in the landfill and the heavy chemicals within will end up at the water treatment plant at the landfill. “If the battery is not segregated, it will end up in the landfill and the heavy chemicals within will end up at the water treatment plant at the landfill. As at 31 March 2006, there were 20,694,830 hand phone subscriptions – As at 31 March 2006, there were 20,694,830 hand phone subscriptions – therefore how many mobile phone batteries are being discarded……..? therefore how many mobile phone batteries are being discarded……..?
Current issues on unsustainable consumption patterns among consumers in Malaysia
Future Generation and their Perception
In relation to Rio Declaration and Agenda 21 ……… Principle 8 To achieve sustainable development and a higher quality of life for all people, Statesreduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption States should reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption and promote appropriate demographic policies. promote appropriate demographic policies.
In relation to Rio Declaration and Agenda 21 ……… Chapter 4: Changing Consumption Patterns Focusing on unsustainable patterns of production and consumption; Developing national policies and strategies to encourage changes in unsustainable consumption patterns.
Deductions Discontinuity in application by students: When they go home When they grow up – 18 – 25 yrs See the need to encourage some form of continuous engagement of youths (after school level) – in Sustainable Consumption See the need to provide youth and community leaders with guidance on how to engage youths.
Deductions Promotion of SC by relevant agencies through say : energy conservation, waste management etc Not reaching out to masses laws and incentives Important to impress upon manufacturers and service providers to ensure SP by designing SC aspects into products and services – laws and incentives
What can be done ? - Ideas from Focus Group Discussions Some traditional ways to use less pesticides Traditional food consumption – Fast food intake sparingly Gotong – Royong practices in rural areas ; modernise and bring to urban areas Advertisements – encourage increased consumption; especially children 8-12 yrs
What can be done ? Manual will be developed by FOMCA / Standards Users to assist community leaders on creating and sustain awareness on the importance of SC How to practice SC – with Malaysian / local examples Training of Potential Trainers Using the manuals and duplicating efforts nationwide Policy advice – control on credit facilities, advertisements, Campaigns – now – Water Conservation Campaign
What can be done ? Reiterate - Statesreduce and eliminate Reiterate - States roles to reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption Regulate claims on energy saving appliances in order to protect consumers and provide assurance that the claims are true Regulate claims on energy saving appliances in order to protect consumers and provide assurance that the claims are true Energy saving bulbs – not verified by third party or venue for consumers to test validity of claims not available or too expensive. Energy saving bulbs – not verified by third party or venue for consumers to test validity of claims not available or too expensive. Develop standards to provide guidelines to producers and make the most pertinent ones mandatory – adopted into regulations Develop standards to provide guidelines to producers and make the most pertinent ones mandatory – adopted into regulations