It’s good to see you, Salsa. I just remind you about the meeting after school. Yeah, of course. I’ll be there.
Are you sure that Rina will come to the meeting? I’m quite sure about that. She called me this morning. Oh…., okay
Questions : What are Teguh and Salsa going to do after school? What is Teguh asking Salsa for? Who is sure that Rina will come?
Expression of Certainty: I’m sure about it. I’m quite sure that he told the truth. I’m absolutely sure about the news. I’m no doubt about it. I’m absolutely certain that he told the truth. I’m certain about ….. I’ve no doubt about ……
Expression of Doubt: Sorry, I’m not sure about it. I’m not really sure that he told the truth. I’m not really sure about it. I’m not too sure about the news. I’m not certain about ..... I doubt about .....
Responses to expressions of doubt which show concern as well: I think you don’t need to be worried about it. Everything will be fine. It’s all going to be okay. Don’t be worried too much. Next time better
Asking for certainty: Are you certain /sure that Bambang will come to the meeting on time? that there will be no classes tomorrow? that she will keep her promise? about that?
Showing certainty/doubt: I am (not) certain/sure that Bambang will come to the meeting on time. that there will be no classes tomorrow. that she will keep her promise. about that.
Give responses orally to the following situations as requested. Hi guys. I have good news. We are going to have an English native speaker next week. 1) What will you say if you are not sure you are going to have an English native speaker next week? Your response: …………………… 2) What will you say if you want to check whether your friend is sure about it? Your response: …………………………
b. Your classmate says: “You know what? Next Wednesday is Satriyo’s birthday. He will treat us all.” 1) What will you say if you are doubtful that Satriyo will treat you? Your response:……………………………… 2) What will you say if you want to ask whether your classmate is sure that next Wednesday is Satriyo’s birthday party? Your response: …………………………..
Rearrange the following sentences into a dialogue between Amran and Fatimah and then act the dialogue out. Do you think that he will come to the class meeting. 2. Amran, don’t forget to come to the class meeting tomorrow after class. 3. Twelve students including Budi. 4. Of course, I don’t. 5. I’m absolutely sure he will. 6. What makes you so sure? 7. He told me yesterday. 8. How many students have been invited?
At the gas station A : Regular or super unleaded ? B : Fill it up with regular, please. Could you also check the oil and the tires ? A : Your oil is little low. Shall I put in a quart ? B : OK, Would you mind cleaning the windshield, too ? A : Sure. Where are you headed ? B : To Washington. I’ve got to do some research there. I know nothing about the city. A : It’s a great place, lots of good restaurants, museums and stores. How long will you be there? B : I’m not sure yet. Probably several days A : Have a safe trip! And don’t miss the Smithsonian !
Questions: Have you ever filled your motorcycle up at the gas station ? 2. What do you call the man in the dialog ? 3. What services do the woman want from the man ? 4. Has the woman ever gone to the Washington before ? 5. Does the man clean the windshield ? How do you know that ? 6. Why do the woman say “I’m not sure yet”?