Jeopardy Instructions
Earth Science Semester 2 Jeopardy Geology Volcanoes Topographic Maps Oceanography Climate Change $10 $20 $30 $40 $50
Which layer of the Earth makes up the tectonic plates? Geology 10 Which layer of the Earth makes up the tectonic plates?
Geology 10 lithosphere
Geology 20 Describe the plate movement at a convergent boundary. Name one geologic feature formed.
Movement: When 2 plates are moving toward each other Geology 20 Movement: When 2 plates are moving toward each other Geologic Feature: mountains, volcanoes (stratovolcano, cinder cone), trenches
Geology 30 Describe plate movement at a transform boundary. Name one geologic feature formed.
Movement: 2 plates slide past each other Geologic Feature: fault Geology 30 Movement: 2 plates slide past each other Geologic Feature: fault
Geology 40 Describe plate movement at a divergent boundary. Name one geologic feature formed.
Movement: 2 plates move away from each other Geologic Feature: Geology 40 Movement: 2 plates move away from each other Geologic Feature: mid-ocean ridge, rift valley, shield volcano, cinder cone volcano
What type of boundary is the San Andreas Fault? Geology 50 What type of boundary is the San Andreas Fault?
Geology 50 Transform Boundary
What does “viscosity” mean? Volcanoes 10 What does “viscosity” mean?
The thickness of a liquid; its ability to flow Volcanoes 10 The thickness of a liquid; its ability to flow
Double JEAPORDY How much do you wish to wager?
Double JEAPORDY Volcanoes 20 Name the types of locations where volcanoes form (i.e. certain boundary types).
Double JEAPORDY Volcanoes 20 convergent boundaries, divergent boundaries, hot spots
Where can volcanoes form? On land Underwater Neither A nor B Both A and B
(on land and underwater) Volcanoes 30 D. Both A and B (on land and underwater)
Volcanoes 40 List 3 different liquids in order of their viscosity, highest to lowest.
Example: molasses, honey, water Volcanoes 40 Example: molasses, honey, water
Name the 3 types of volcanoes.
Composite / stratovolcano Volcanoes 50 Composite / stratovolcano Shield volcano Cinder cone volcano
What does “contour interval” mean? Topographic Maps 10 What does “contour interval” mean?
The difference in elevation between contour lines. Topographic Maps 10 The difference in elevation between contour lines.
Topographic Maps 20 Draw a topographic map of a mountain that is 300 feet high and has a contour interval of 100 feet.
Topographic Maps 20 See board. (Drawing should have 4 circular lines, each labeled 0, 100, 200, and 300.)
Topographic Maps 30 Draw a topographic map with 5 contour lines that has a difference of 40 feet between the 2nd and the 4th contour lines.
(Drawing should have a contour interval of 20 feet.) Topographic Maps 30 See board. (Drawing should have a contour interval of 20 feet.)
What is a topographic map? Topographic Maps 40 What is a topographic map?
Topographic Maps 40 A map that uses lines of equal elevation to show the shape of Earth’s surface
Topographic Maps 50 What are contour lines?
Lines that join points of equal elevation Topographic Maps 50 Lines that join points of equal elevation
Name the 2 types of ocean currents. What causes them to move? Oceanography 10 Name the 2 types of ocean currents. What causes them to move?
Surface currents: caused by wind Oceanography 10 Surface currents: caused by wind Deep water currents: caused by changes in density (caused by changes in temperature and/or salinity)
Describe the relationship between temperature and density. Oceanography 20 Describe the relationship between temperature and density.
As temperature goes up, density goes down. -or- Oceanography 20 As temperature goes up, density goes down. -or- As temperature goes down, density goes up.
evaporation, freezing, melting, precipitation Oceanography 30 Identify which of the following would increase/decrease the salinity of water: evaporation, freezing, melting, precipitation
Decrease: precipitation, melting Increase: evaporation, freezing Oceanography 30 Decrease: precipitation, melting Increase: evaporation, freezing
Oceanography 40 What is the measure of the amount of salt in the water? What % of the water on Earth is saltwater?
Oceanography 40 Salinity; 97%
Describe the formation of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Oceanography 50 Describe the formation of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Oceanography 50 Currents along California and Japan push trash into the center of the Pacific Ocean.
Name the 4 main greenhouse gases. What do they do? Climate Change 10 Name the 4 main greenhouse gases. What do they do?
Name: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor Climate Change 10 Name: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor Do: They trap heat energy trying to leave Earth’s surface.
What 2 factors are used to describe climate? Climate Change 20 What 2 factors are used to describe climate?
Climate Change 20 Temperature Precipitation
What are the sources of the following greenhouse gases? Climate Change 30 What are the sources of the following greenhouse gases? carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, methane
Water vapor: evaporation, transpiration Climate Change 30 Carbon dioxide: burning fossil fuels, burning solid waste, deforestation, volcanic eruptions Water vapor: evaporation, transpiration Nitrous oxide: agriculture (fertilizers), driving Methane: digestion (livestock/animal waste), decomposition (landfills, wetlands, melting permafrost)
What are the sinks of the following greenhouse gases? Climate Change 40 What are the sinks of the following greenhouse gases? carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, methane
Climate Change 40 Carbon dioxide: oceans, trees/plants through photosynthesis Water vapor: precipitation (stored in ocean, surface water, groundwater, glaciers) Nitrous oxide: bacteria in soils Methane: none; we have to wait for it to naturally breakdown
Climate Change 50 Which type of greenhouse gas is the most abundant human-made gas? Which is the most abundant natural gas?
Human-made: carbon dioxide Climate Change 50 Human-made: carbon dioxide Natural: water vapor