Detector Status Francesco Forti, INFN and University, Pisa SuperB Meeting, La Biodola, May 31, 2008
F.Forti - Detector Status SuperB Detector Babar and Belle designs have proven to be very effective for B-Factory physics Follow the same ideas for SuperB detector A SuperB detector is possible with today’s technology. Main issues: Machine backgrounds – somewhat larger than in Babar/Belle Beam energy asymmetry – a bit smaller Strong interaction with machine design Try to reuse parts of Babar as much as possible Quartz bars of the DIRC Barrel EMC CsI(Tl) crystal and mechanical structure Superconducting coil and flux return yoke. Moderate R&D and engineering required Small beam pipe technology Thin silicon pixel detector for first layer Drift chamber CF mechanical structure, gas and cell size Photon detection for DIRC quartz bars Forward PID system (TOF or focusing RICH) Forward calorimeter crystals (LSO) Minos-style scintillator for Instrumented flux return Electronics and trigger Computing – large data amount May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
Detector Layout – Reuse parts of Babar BASELINE OPTION May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
F.Forti - Detector Status Detector R&D Progress Test beam goals for 2008-2010 Silicon Vertex Tracker MAPS pixel devices: resolution, efficiency, readout speed Advanced trigger systems (Associative Memories) Drift Chamber Cell size, shape, and gas mixture Particle ID system (forward system) Radiators (Aerogel, NaF) Photon detector (MCP, MAPMTs, SiPM) Timing for TOF system Electromagnetic Calorimeter Forw: LYSO Crystals leakage, resolution, mechanical structure Back: Lead-scintillator calorimeter resolution Instrumented Flux Return Scintillator, fibers, photon detector, readout electronics Detection efficiency, time/space resolution Integrated slice Track trigger, material in front of EMC, timing for TOF, forward PID options Lots of progress R&D technical progress in all detector subsystems Started the definition of strategies for Electronics and DAQ design Large computing effort for simulation Subdetector groups are building up collaboration SuperB is included in the DevDet FP7 proposal Improve infrastructure for detector R&D Mainly focused on improving LNF Beam test facility Electronics and software network May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
F.Forti - Detector Status Subsystems update significant R&D technical achievements and development situation of the groups working in the system and what are the main uncovered areas perspective for the TDR: what decisions need to be taken and what is the timeline for taking them; what R&D needs to happen how much additional effort is needed in many cases answers will come during the workshop May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
Progress in simulation Development of both fast (parametrized) and full (Geant4) simulation programs started. Geant4 Model (cylindrical) Reuse Babar code where possible Remove dependencies from private Babar code to allow redistribution to outside Babar Principle approved by Babar council – work on technical issues ongoing Use more modern approach to geometry description (GDML, developed for LHC) Fast simulation targeted at physics benchmarking Geant4 simulation targeted at backgrounds E. Paoloni, M.Rama May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
Achievements Simulation code able to read a GDML description of the SuperDet. GDMLs written for: the CDR cylindrical detector used for Bkg Studies a 0.0 version of the TDR SuperDet Full simulation of backgrounds events on the 0.0 SuperDet SuperB Geant4 simulation code put on a “Collaboration Wide” repository. Geant4 & GDML libraries easily available as RPM packages (Roberto Stroili) Wiki page for the documentation ( Alberto Gianoli ) BaBar geometry saved in GDML and reused wherever reasonable/useful State of the art description of the barrel EMC and of the layers 1-5 of the SVT Iron/brass plates of the IFR Rework of the simulation code to cope with flexible definitions of volumes with magnetic fields,sensitive detectors, segmentation... reasonable for SuperDet 0.0 but stil far from being satisfactory: lot of work to do
TDR SuperDet release 0.0 BaBar CsI barrel Beam lines G. Marchiori BaBar SVT+ Layer0 Eugenio, Giovanni LSO endcap Stefano, Claudia DCH Matteo IFR Gigi, Marcello
Goals for this meeting Decide how to validate the present simulation Fix a 0.0 ver. of the sub-detectors volumes envelopes Sketch of the requirements/strategies for the digitization of the Geant4 hits (i.e. inside/outside the Geant4 sim., inside/outside the Geant4 framework) Review of the procedures to estimate the background impact on the detectors performances and life span PID man power quest: we have the DIRC GDML description, but no one in charge to analyze at the simulation outcomes, to describe the forward endcap detector.
Fast Simulation The group has increased significantly: 714 people since February. Aim to involve still more people. The intermediate deadlines before Elba were met: Release of PravdaMC user guide on wiki. Investigation of use of CEPack for Trackerr replacement. Outcome: CEPack was abandoned. A new tracking code (PacTrk) is being developed. Main development areas in the past 3 months: New tracking engine Response of DIRC, EMC and IFR Interface between parts Main goals for the Elba workshop global review of the development status consolidate liaison with physics groups and plan joint activity plan of June activity in view of the first release of the code to the Users
Background simulation Lattice “MAD” decks can be transformed into G4 geometry Machine elements and apertures are then introduced into the full simulation for evaluation of backgrounds Touchek background simulation is benchmarked with Dafne results Good agreement Optimization of collimators is needed after each lattice adjustement Background rate in the KLOE forward calorimeter vs. position of the internal jaw of a collimator May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
SVT Main activities in the last year G. Rizzo Basic CMOS MAPS R&D (most challenging option for the Layer0): Optimization of the Deep NWell MAPS pixel S/N up to 25 with power consumption reduced (~30 uW/ch) Fast redout architecture (sparsification and timestamp) implemented in a 4k pixel matrix. Preliminary test encouraging. Good sensitivity to e- from Sr90 and to g from Fe55 source 90Sr electrons Landau mV S/N=23 Cluster signal (mV) Noise events APSEL4D - Fe55 5.9 keV calibration peak APSEL4D – Sr90 test Fired pixel map with threshodl @ ½ MIP Good uniformity (the source was positioned on the left side of the matrix APSEL4D - 32x128 pixels 50 mm pixel pitch May 31, 2008G. Rizzo F.Forti - Detector StatusMay-31-2008
F.Forti - Detector StatusMay-31-2008 Design of a pixel module with integrated cooling and low material (< 1% X0) Crucial for a low material Layer 0 design with MAPS /Hybrid Pixel options Development of support structures with cooling microchannel integrated in the Carbon Fiber/Ceramics support Testbeam preparation (Sept. 2008 @CERN). Main goals: DNW MAPS matrix resolution & efficiency Thin (200 um) striplets module with FSSR2 readout chips (baseline option in the CDR) Demostrate LV1 copability with tracker information sent to Associative Memories New DAQ system developed for data push architecture beam T-1,2,3,4 :reference telescope modules DSSD 300 mm thick, 2x2 cm2 50 mm r.o. pitch (3 chip FSSR2/side) S-1,2,3 scintillator Striplets-1,2: (1.29x7.0 cm2 ) DSSD 200 mm thick (45o) 25 p-side, 50 n-side mm pitch 50 mm r.o. pitch (chip FSSR2) MAPS-1,2 : MAPS (several mm2) 50x50 mm2 (5080 mm-thick) S1 S2 S3 T-2,1 T-4,3 Striplets-1 Striplets-2 MAPS-1 MAPS-2 May 31, 2008G. Rizzo F.Forti - Detector StatusMay-31-2008
F.Forti - Detector StatusMay-31-2008 Man Power for SVT Italian Institutes already involved in basic R&D on MAPS (SLIM5 Collaboration ~ 13 FTE) confirmed their interest for the SuperB project: Other groups (Roma III, Perugia), already active in MAPS R&D for ILC, expressed their interest for our activities (important synergy to exploit) …but a significant amount of work is needed to turn the SVT CDR concept into a full detector design and write a Technical Design Report. There is a lot of room for groups willing to join the effort! Details in the next slide Pisa MAPS development Light Mechanics with integrated cooling Testbeam organization LV1 trigger with Associative Memories Pavia/Bergamo Front-end for MAPS & striplets Torino Mechanics Trieste Striplets (Sensor-FSSR2 hybrids-interconnections-beam telescope) Bologna DAQ for testbeam, MAPS readout architecture Milano (just joined the SVT SuperB effort) MAPS cell & module development. Light mechanics. May 31, 2008G. Rizzo F.Forti - Detector StatusMay-31-2008
SVT Activities from CDR to TDR Although very promising the MAPS technology might need more time to become mature for application in SuperB. On the timescale of the TDR the situation will be clearer… For the TDR we need to have a Layer0 design based on Hybrid Pixels: a mature and viable option that anyway requires some R&D to reduce the pitch and material budget to reach the SuperB requirements. Activities already started (could benefit from more manpower): Background studies to optimize detector space-time granularity and verify radiation levels (PI) Physics studies to optimize Layer0 and overall detector geometry and granularity(PI) Strong ongoing R&D on technology development for the most challenging Layer 0 option: CMOS MAPS pixel. (BO,PI,PV,BG,TO,TS, + MI ...) Activities not yet covered that need to start soon: Hybrid Pixel Option: need to investigate possible material/pitch reduction w.r.t.LHC experiments Data transmission and DAQ Design of the Layers 1-5: investigate existing front-end chip, module design Integration Issues May 31, 2008G. Rizzo F.Forti - Detector StatusMay-31-2008
F.Forti - Detector Status Drift Chamber G. Finocchiaro Build on BABAR drift chamber concept: no major R&D effort needed, but: Lighter structure, all in Carbon Fiber (CF) Preliminary studies show dome-shaped CF end-plates with X0 ~2% seem achievable (compare 13-26% in BABAR DCH) Design faster, lighter electronics (possibly taking into account detectors being considered now to be installed behind backward end-plates) To control expected increase in occupancy: studying faster gas mixtures considering smaller cells optimization studies need simulation tools being made available on Summer '08 meeting timescale Tapered shape of end-plates alternative solutions being presented at this meeting Eventually, need to test all new solutions on small prototypes May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
F.Forti - Detector Status Drift Chamber Achievements: In last months, preparation work for tests with drift chamber prototypes was done External tracking telescope made available Extrapolated accuracy O(100micron) Readout electronics (on-board discriminators) being designed now Mechanical structure and electronics of small drift chamber prototype ready (from KLOE) Groups involved: The BABAR LNF group as of now Electronics engineers (2, part-time) expressed interest starting from 2009 May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
F.Forti - Detector Status Drift Chamber Perspective for TDR: decisions to be taken New cell structure attack this problem with newly available simulation tools (next months) test new cell and gas mixtures with prototypes (~1 year from now) Define mechanical structure simulation Interplay with other detectors (length, offset, shape) Once geometry outlined, make detailed FEA calculations Electronics design Actual work starting next year Understand requirements meanwhile Expect fruitful discussion at this meeting SMALL GROUP – NEED TO GROW May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
F.Forti - Detector Status PID D. Leith Main issues: replacement of readout for barrel DIRC forward PID system: if, and what. Progress in many areas: Time of flight Aerogel Electronics design Who: SLAC, BINP , Cincinnati , Ljubljana , Padua , Hawaii System with large overlap with Belle – need to be resolved some time More groups are needed May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
F.Forti - Detector Status PID TDR path Forward PID ? Physics case Effect on other systems If yes, what technology ? TOF, Focusing Aerogel Design of system Technical work on detectors Beam tests engineering Barrel changes from Babar Small SOB choice Optical coupling of bars to photo-detector Wedge or no wedge ? Choice of photodetector Prototyping and beam tests Engineering Disassembly, transport, reinstallation and commissionin Lots of engineering Sotware, Electronics May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
F.Forti - Detector Status Electromagnetic calorimeter D. Hitlin The BABAR CsI(Tl) barrel calorimeter, should, with minor modifications, be an adequate device for SuperB Add two or three rings of crystals to extend rear coverage Shorten effective integration time of the digital filter Effect of lack of projectivity due to displacement of the IP is an issue for study Most effort has gone into identifying appropriate technology for the front and rear endcaps. Leading candidates: Front endcap: LYSO with APD readout Rear endcap (primarily a missing energy veto): Lead (0.5 X0) with scintillating tiles and fiber + SiPM readout Monte Carlo studies for design of forward endcap are well-advanced Confronting design concepts with physics benchmarks is next Bergen, Caltech, Edinburgh, McGill, Perugia, QMC (U of London) May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status 21
F.Forti - Detector Status Forward Endcap Geometry Front crystal face in the range of one Molière radius: ~25mm Constraint: maximize crystal yield/boule Beam test provides focus Optimize crystal quality Ascertain mechanical properties of LYSO Devise readout and electronics chain Calibration and system issues Monte Carlo and analysis tools May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status 22
F.Forti - Detector Status Rear Endcap Many of the main physics objectives of SuperB use missing energy signatures Improving backward calorimeter coverage, and thus overall hermeticity, can pay large dividends in signal/background Only modest energy resolution is required The drift chamber electronics and DIRC tunnel provide severe constraints A scintillating tile design provides adequate flexibility ~10K SiPM channels BKGD/Signal with smearing Backward polar angle coverage (radians) Btn M. Mazur May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status 23 23
SuperB-IFR: detection efficiency R. Calabrese Present baseline configuration: scintillator: 1.5cm thick with embedded hole Fiber: One Saint-Gobain BCF- 92 1.0 mm diameter Readout: Geiger mode APDs from Hamamatsu and IRST-FBK adc channels 1 p.e. 2 p.e. pedestal ADC spectrum for MPPC fiber 350 cm long 1.5 p.e. Cut Average number of p.e.: ~ 9 at maximum distance (~4m) Efficiency better that 95% Distance from photodetector (cm) Average number of phe Fiber Kuraray T11- 300 ppm shows higher light yield but slower time response Tests on scintillator with surface groove instead of embedded hole are under way May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
SuperB-IFR: time resolution 1.5cm thick scintillator + Saint-Gobain BCF- 92 fiber 1.0 mm diameter counts Distance ~200 cm sigma 1.3 ns sigma 1.8 ns MPPC SiPM The trigger scintillator is 15cm long so we expect a contribution of about 0.8ns due to that The time resolution is < 2 ns and is better with SiPM (IRST- FBK) than with MPPC (Hamamatsu) Time resolution studies are under way: - kuraray vs Saint-Gobain fibers - precise study of SiPM time response - use of a fast discriminator board May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
SuperB IFR group institutions and activities At present: Ferrara INFN-University Padova INFN-University Roma1 INFN-University Additional forces would be very helpful, in particular in the area of simulation For the TDR: Establish the baseline layout of the detector (R&D on scintillator, fiber, SiPM, electronics,…+ simulations) Build and test a prototype (end 2009/beginning 2010) To build, install and operate the final detector need more institutions May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
Trigger/DAQ/Electronics D. Breton G. Dubois-Felsmann Fast Control and Timing System (FCTS) protocol proposal put forward. Two options: BaBar-like fixed-latency model Variable latency with addressing by time, and queueing of triggers Subsystems need to understand (basically now) what their data volume is going to be Number of bits, Readout rate, Event size Understand if it fits in the 100KHz, 1% deadtime requirement A change in model can be very costly Both in euros and in people Need to start looking at electronics issues Uniform design and common architecture across systems Radiation hardness Very thin on manpower May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
F.Forti - Detector Status Workshop goals Clarify path towards the Technical Design Report Define R&D program Bring more people on board Subsystem conveners MDI/Backgrounds – Paoloni/Biagini SVT – Rizzo DCH – Finocchiaro PID – Leith EMC – Hitlin IFR – Calabrese Electronics/Trigger/DAQ – Breton/Dubois-Felsmann Computing – Morandin Rough institutional roll call today Now’s the time to say: “Me, too !” May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
F.Forti - Detector Status Workshop map May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
Accelerator and site costs Note: site cost estimate not as detailed as other estimates. May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
F.Forti - Detector Status Detector cost Note: options in italics are not summed. We chose to sum the options we considered most likely/necessary. May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status
F.Forti - Detector Status Schedule Overall schedule dominated by: Site construction PEP-II/Babar disassembly, transport, and reassembly We consider possible to reach the commissioning phase after 5 years from T0. May 31, 2008 F.Forti - Detector Status