Pre-registration nursing with the Open University Completing your portfolio for KYN117
Guidance for portfolio completion The slides that follow illustrate the expectations for completion for each section of the portfolio This slide show will be available to refer to again, in the KYN117 resources section of the module website If you have queries about completing your portfolio, contact your Practice Tutor
Make sure you fill in your first and last names and your OU PI Robert Benson X0112233
Have you signed and dated your declaration? If not, do it now!
You need an induction sheet for each of the three practice periods in Stage 1. Your mentors should induct you to each area when you start in practice and you both sign and date to confirm that this has been completed.
When you submit your portfolio you only submit those pages labelled Essential Information Fill out all sections of this page, fully, before you take your portfolio into practice. This will increase the likelihood of it being returned to you, should you misplace it.
S Jones Robert Benson X0112233 Helen Kirk HK Helen Kirk Alison Brown 17/10/16 Alison Brown AB A Brown 17/10/16 Sian Jones SJ S Jones 10/02/17 Your practice tutor, your mentor(s) in your core practice base and your mentor in your contrasting experience must complete the signature verification record. In addition, if your mentor requests another healthcare practitioner to assess you for a specific skill in the portfolio, this individual will sign off that skill and must therefore also complete the signature verification record as an ‘other signatory’.
Do not complete until the end of the module Do not complete until the end of the module. You must tick to declare your physical health, mental health & character. Robert Benson X0112233 R01 Robert Benson 03/09/17
You must achieve all the skills at Bondy Level 2 You must achieve all the skills at Bondy Level 2. If your mentors judge that there are skills that you have achieved at Bondy Level 3 this can be recorded in the portfolio.
Before student and mentor meet for the initial review, the student self-assesses abilities against the Bondy criteria and decides whether for each skill Bondy level 2 or NYA, ‘not yet achieved’ applies. The mentor will judge whether or not level 2 is achieved. Robert Benson X0112233 NYA NYA 2 2 2 AB 17/10/16 NYA A Brown 17/10/16 NYA There are still 4 skills to achieve at Bondy level 2, so the overall competence is NYA.
During practice period 2, the student achieves two more skills During practice period 2, the student achieves two more skills. There are still two skills outstanding, so the overall achievement of competence remains at NYA. Robert Benson X0112233 NYA 2 2 SJ 10/02/17 NYA 2 2 2 SJ 17/03/17 2 AB 17/10/16 2 NYA A Brown 17/10/16 S Jones 16/04/17 NYA NYA
During practice period 3, the student achieves the final two skills for this competence. At the final assessment meeting the mentor confirms Bondy level 2 is achieved. Robert Benson X0112233 2 AB 27/07/17 NYA 2 2 2 SJ 10/02/17 NYA 2 2 2 SJ 17/03/17 2 AB 17/10/16 2 NYA 2 2 AB 05/06/17 A Brown 17/10/16 S Jones 16/04/17 NYA A Brown 2 27/07/17 NYA This principle of completion applies to all essentials skills in the portfolio.
Robert Benson X0112233 There are some overarching competence statements and associated skills that will not all fit on one page of the portfolio. This is an example. Signing off the skills is undertaken as previously explained. The row for signing off the overarching competence at the three review meetings is located on the following page.
Robert Benson X0112233 Skill numbering on this page starts at iii. This indicates skills i. and ii. are on the previous page. The mentor must check these before determining the level of competence achieved.
At the time of the final assessment meeting, the core practice base mentor must also complete this form. If all skills have been achieved, the mentor circles ‘yes’ and signs and dates the form. Robert Benson X0112233 A Brown 27/07/17 Alison Brown
However, supposing a skill is not achieved as shown: 1. 1. i However, supposing a skill is not achieved as shown: 1.1.i. At the final assessment meeting the mentor confirms that the outcome for the overall competence is still NYA. Robert Benson X0112233 NYA 2 2 2 SJ 10/02/17 NYA 2 2 2 SJ 17/03/17 2 2 AB 17/10/16 2 2 AB 05/06/17 NYA A Brown 17/10/16 S Jones 16/04/17 NYA NYA A Brown NYA 27/07/17
At the time of the final assessment meeting, the core practice base mentor must still complete this form. This time ‘No’ is circled. The student still has time to work towards achieving the outstanding skill before submission. Robert Benson X0112233 A Brown 27/07/16 Alison Brown
Following further practise of the skill, the mentor confirms Bondy level 2 is achieved by completing the skill box in red ink and re-signing the overarching competence. Robert Benson X0112233 2 AB 19/08/17 NYA 2 2 2 SJ 10/02/17 NYA 2 2 2 SJ 17/03/17 2 2 AB 17/10/16 2 2 AB 05/06/17 NYA A Brown 17/10/16 S Jones 16/04/17 NYA A Brown NYA 27/07/17 NYA A Brown 2 19/08/17
The student has now achieved all the skills at Bondy level 2 The student has now achieved all the skills at Bondy level 2. The mentor should now circle ‘yes’ in red ink, and re-sign and re-date the entries. Robert Benson X0112233 A Brown A Brown 27/07/17 Alison Brown 19/08/17
As students progress through their practice experiences, tick off the experiences gained. Robert Benson X0112233 Helen Kirk 17/10/16 Helen Kirk 16/04/17 Helen Kirk 17/10/16 Helen Kirk 17/10/16 Helen Kirk 16/04/17 Helen Kirk 27/07/17 Helen Kirk 16/04/17 Helen Kirk 16/04/17 Helen Kirk 17/10/16 Helen Kirk 27/07/17
Robert Benson X0112233 Helen Kirk 16/04/17 Students must gain experience in all those types of experience that are marked by an asterisk. The PT will sign and date experiences gained at the three review meetings.
Do not forget to enter the total hours completed. Robert Benson X0112233 600 Robert Benson Robert Benson 19/08/17 Alison Brown A Brown District nurse 19/08/17 If there are still practice hours to complete at the time of the final assessment meeting this form should be completed once the hours are complete, but must be done before submission.
If you have not completed 600 hours at the time of submission, enter the hours completed. Robert Benson X0112233 525 Robert Benson Robert Benson 19/08/17 525 Alison Brown A Brown Depending on the number of hours that have been completed, it may still be possible for the student to have met the 240 hours of supervision. However, if more supervised hours are required the mentor will circle ‘No’. You will be given the opportunity to complete the remaining hours after you have submitted your portfolio.
Robert Benson X0112233 Good communicator Well organised 10 years as a HCA Understanding the Code Gaining confidence as a nursing student How to move safely between HCA and nursing student roles Not being seen by colleagues as a nursing student Making accurate records using nursing knowledge and terminology When you start each practice learning period discuss these four areas with your mentor, agree what you are going to focus on and fill out the form.
After your initial review meeting, make a plan to support your learning needs Robert Benson X0112233
At this stage your mentor is likely to offer an overview of your progress to date. Robert Benson X0112233 Your mentor should comment on the areas listed below: practice performance: e.g. starting to gain confidence professional behaviour: e.g. yet to develop insight into professional boundaries perceived professional attitudes: e.g. keen to work as a team player attendance record: e.g. excellent, no sickness or absence to date punctuality record: e.g. is always ready to start at the required time professional appearance: e.g. usually neat and tidy, reminded to clean shoes 17/10/16 Alison Brown A Brown The same set of forms is provided to record details of the mid-review meeting
Robert Benson X0112233 The action plan from the final assessment meeting should be developed in order to take you forward into Stage 2
At this stage your mentor should have a good insight into your progress during the module. Robert Benson X0112233 Your mentor should comment on the areas listed below: practice performance: e.g. much more confident now as a nursing student professional behaviour: e.g. behaviour always appropriate perceived professional attitudes: e.g. working well within the MDT attendance record: e.g. excellent, no sickness or absence punctuality record: e.g. is always prompt and reliable professional appearance: e.g. always well presented Two Stage 1 skills yet to be achieved at Bondy level 2. A Brown 27/07/17 Alison Brown
This form is completed by the core practice base mentor once all practice hours have been completed. Robert Benson X0112233 Robert has continued to work towards the two outstanding skills. I have now reviewed his performance of these and am satisfied that he has reached Bondy level 2. He has also completed all his practice hours now. Overall he has made very good progress during this first stage of his programme and is ready to move on to stage 2. Alison Brown 19/08/17 A Brown
Robert Benson X0112233 Your practice tutor will make comments here about your overall performance and progress during KYN117. This will include comments about your diligence in submitting your monthly record of hours forms, your practice learning evaluations and producing portfolio evidence to demonstrate your underpinning knowledge of practice related skills. Helen Kirk Helen Kirk 19/08/17
Robert Benson X0112233 This form can be used at any time during the module, by any mentor, to provide feedback about a particular aspect of a student’s practice. This may be to comment on excellence in performance e.g. because a student has dealt effectively with a complex issue, or to highlight a concern about progress and to indicate the support that will be put in place to address the concern. Students should always have spare copies of this form available in their portfolios.
Robert Benson X0112233 There may not be sufficient space on the action plan that is completed after each review meeting to identify all the learning needs. This additional action plan can be used to supplement the post-meeting action plans. It may also be the case that during a practice period the student achieves all the learning needs set on their action plan, and therefore needs to develop a further action plan to identify other learning needs to be achieved.
This form is completed by the student, mentor and practice tutor to confirm participation in each of the three formal meetings. Robert Benson X0112233 This space is used if an additional meeting takes place after final assessment meeting.
Record of student hours forms must be completed every month: Sept Record of student hours forms must be completed every month: Sept. 2016 – Sept. 2017 Robert Benson XX team north X0112233 District nursing team September 2016 There is a form for 14th – 26th of any month, but it is not included in this presentation.
A Brown Pam Smythe Robert Benson Ward 1 X0112233 Robert Benson 07:30-19:30 11 hours Robert Benson A Brown 07:30-19:30 11 hours Robert Benson Pam Smythe Enter the hours for the shift and the actual hours worked excluding breaks. In the example the shift lasts for 12 hours, but hours worked are 11 as there is a one hour break. If the mentor is available to supervise the student that day, the mentor should sign. If not, then another registered nurse should sign. The form must be completed on the date that the shift is undertaken.
A Brown Pam Smythe A Brown Robert Benson Ward 1 X0112233 Sept 07:30-19:30 11 hours Robert Benson A Brown 07:30-19:30 11 hours Robert Benson Pam Smythe At the end of the month, add up the number of nursing student hours that have been completed. In this instance it is 22 hours. There is no sickness or annual leave taken. 22 Robert Benson 01/10/2016 A Brown 02/10/2016 Once complete scan/digital photograph and email the 3 pages for September as an attachment to your practice tutor. You must do this promptly at the end of every month.
Robert Benson X0112233 Summary account 1.1 iv; 1.3. i; 1.4.i; 1.4 ii Evidence added to the portfolio is numbered sequentially. The number of the piece of evidence should be included on the piece of evidence itself.
Mentors should set calculations for students to complete Mentors should set calculations for students to complete. Actual examples from practice are particularly relevant.
Robert Benson X0112233 Mentors should seek feedback from at least two service users regarding a student’s performance, preferably one from practice period 2 and one from practice period 3. Discuss the student’s performance with the service user, then complete the form.
The checklist is available to help students double check that all aspects of their portfolio that need to be submitted have been completed.