ABSTARCT The project takes care of reminder need of people who forget to take medicines in time. Keypad entry stores the relevant information with several timings based on a RTC (Real Time Clock) IC. At the programmed time the message for the medicine is displayed over a 16 digit LCD display together with a buzzer sound to alert the person for taking the appropriate medicine.
POWER SUPPLY Bridge rectifier 5v Regulator 230 V AC 50 Hz 5V DC Filter(470µf) 12V step down transformer
PIC (PIC16F877A) High-Performance RISC CPU: Only 35 single-word instructions. All single-cycle instructions except for program branches, which are two cycle. Operating speed: DC – 20 MHz clock input DC – 200 ns instruction cycle Up to 8K x 14 words of Flash Program Memory, Up to 368 x 8 bytes of Data Memory (RAM), Up to 256 x 8 bytes of EEPROM Data Memory. Pin out compatible to other 28-pin or 40/44-pin, PIC16CXXX and PIC16FXXX microcontrollers.
Special Microcontroller Features: 100,000 erase/write cycle Enhanced Flash program memory typical. 1,000,000 erase/write cycle Data EEPROM memory typical. Data EEPROM Retention > 40 years. Self-reprogrammable under software control. In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) via two pins. Single-supply 5V In-Circuit Serial Programming. Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator for reliable operation. Programmable code protection. Power saving Sleep mode. Selectable oscillator options. In-Circuit Debug (ICD) via two pins.
Peripheral Features: Timer0: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit prescaler. Timer1: 16-bit timer/counter with prescaler, can be incremented during Sleep via external crystal/clock. Timer2: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit period register, prescaler and postscaler. Two Capture, Compare, PWM modules - Capture is 16-bit, max. resolution is 12.5 ns - Compare is 16-bit, max. resolution is 200 ns - PWM max resolution is 10-bit Synchronous Serial Port (SSP) with SPI™ (Master mode) and I2C™ (Master/Slave). Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART/SCI) with 9-bit address detection. Parallel Slave Port (PSP) – 8 bits wide with external RD, WR and CS controls (40/44-pin only). Brown-out detection circuitry for Brown-out Reset (BOR).
BUZZER Piezo Buzzer This buzzer is an piezo type audio signaling device, which has a piezo element and a oscillating circuit inside which oscillates the piezo brass base plate, which when given voltage difference produces sound of a predefined frequency. Features These high reliability piezo buzzers are applicable to general electronics equipment. Compact, pin terminal type Piezo buzzer with 4 KHz output. Pin type terminal construction enables direct mounting onto printed circuit boards.
DS1307 RTC RTC? The RTC chip is a specialized chip that just keeps track of time It runs on a battery and keeps time for you even when there is a power outage! Using an RTC, you can keep track of long timelines, even if you reprogram your microcontroller or disconnect it from USB or a power plug. The RTC we'll be using is the DS1307 . It's low cost, easy to solder, and can run for years on a very small coin cell.
56 byte nonvolatile RAM for general data storage FEATURES OF DS1307 Real time clock counts seconds, minutes, hours, date of month, month, day of week and year with leap year compensation valid up to 2100 56 byte nonvolatile RAM for general data storage 2-wrire interface (I2C) Automatic power fail detect Consumes less than 500 nA for battery back-up at 25'C
BC547 The BC547 transistor is an NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor. The BC547 transistor is a general-purpose transistor in small plastic packages. It is used in general-purpose switching and amplification BC847/BC547 series 45 V, 100 mA NPN general-purpose transistors. Whenever base is high, then current starts flowing through base and emitter and after that only current will pass from collector to emitter
Keypad A keypad is a set of buttons arranged in a block or "pad" which usually bear digits, symbols and usually a complete set of alphabetical letters. If it mostly contains numbers then it can also be called a numeric keypad. In order to detect which key is pressed from the matrix, the row lines are to be made low one by one and read the columns. Assume that if Row1 is made low, then read the columns. If any of the key in row1 is pressed then correspondingly the column 1will give low that is if second key is pressed in Row1, then column2 will give low.
LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY (LCD) Most common LCDs connected to the microcontrollers are 16x2 and 20x2 displays. This means 16 characters per line by 2 lines and 20 characters per line by 2 lines, respectively. The standard is referred to as HD44780U, which refers to the controller chip which receives data from an external source (and communicates directly with the LCD.
If an 8-bit data bus is used the LCD will require 11 data lines LCD BACKGROUND If an 8-bit data bus is used the LCD will require 11 data lines (3 control lines plus the 8 lines for the data bus) The three control lines are referred to as EN, RS, and RW EN=Enable (used to tell the LCD that you are sending it data) RS=Register Select (When RS is low (0), data is treated as a command) (When RS is High(1), data being sent is text data ) R/W=Read/Write (When RW is low (0), the data written to the LCD) (When RW is low (0), the data reading to the LCD)
Working of Project The project uses one RTC (Real Time Clock) for Real Time Reference interfaced to Microcontroller pins. A Matrix Telephone keypad is used to enter multiple Timings for multiple medicines as per the program displayed on the LCD. Enter /set the time for RTC,after that set the medicine times. When the programmed times of the clock reaches the set time and o/p is logic 1 ,sound a Buzzer which is to draw the attention of the person to view the name of the medicine on the LCD for taking the same in right time.