Cryotarget Training Common Target Training for Halls A & C for the 12 GeV Era A trained TO must be on shift whenever the target is liquified Tgt Ops as they have been for >20 years
12 GeV Target Training Requirements For all new TO’s: Oral Training course Practical: training in CR with an expert & a cold target ~ half shift shadowing a trained TO For already-trained (in 6 GeV era): Training course recommend to attend oral training class must at least read training slides online short training review in CR with expert Training in Hall A is good for Hall C & vice versa
Training Ingredients List of what the TO must know how to do, & what’s done by the tgt group/experts Who are the experts & how to reach them Basic target anatomy & goal parameters How to run the tgt GUIs & Alarm Handler: reboot tgt IOC, query archiver, interpret strip charts, change targets, adjust coolant, recognize developing problems, etc. How to handle off-normal events
Some Resources Users Guide to the Hall C Cryotarget: Hall C cryotarget web page: Hall A/C Target Training Talk: Hall C Operational Restrictions: Hall C Target Archiver: Tgt expert on call 24/7 when condensed
Main Target Control GUI IOC Heartbeat Alarm Handler ESR Secondary GUI buttons Strip Charts Parameter colors keyed to ALH (green, yellow, red, white)
Strip Charts
Alarm Handler (Audible & Visual) CTARG
Operational Restrictions Limits set ahead of time by a designated expert. TO’s must check this before putting beam on a new target. MCC is also supposed to check IBEAM & Raster for new targets. Target ion chamber calibrated for each target.
CR Hardware Dedicated tgt computer & monitors Raster scope, beam current display Kill switches tgt motion, heater, JT valves Sirens Low H2/D2 pressure, SC vacuum Analog H2 temperature readout lifeline during IOC reboot, network outage Analog auxiliary heater control can manually stabilize tgt in off-normal situations
Live Target Status on your phone! Very useful, especially for Tgt Experts. Can diagnose problems quickly, from anywhere, when called.
Experts Name Work Pager Cell Home J.P. Chen 7413 218-0722 867-7380 Silviu Covrig 6410 (843) 697-1753 Greg Smith 5405 871-4371 565-9883 Dave Meekins 5434 327-5491 968-9076 874-4750 Chris Keith 5878 327-5527 596-3002 If you need help, call on-call person 1st (posted in CR), then these people in the order listed. (use home # only as a last resort if off hours)
High Loop Temperature Alarm No real danger. Just delays. Ask MCC to turn off the beam Check other TS’s, & analog temp. r.o. If just PID TS change PID TS LH2 Pump tripped? Restart. HPH should be @ 0W. If not turn it off. SC vacuum OK? Turbopump tripped? Call tech-on-call (Hall A or Hall C) Coolant Tsupply abnormally high? Close offending JT. Reduce pump speed. May be ESR/CHL or xfer line IV failing… SAMPLE Training Talk Slide