Welcome to Fifth Grade!
Middle School Applications Lottery selection Apply to EACH MSA – it is not a blanket application MSA middle school applications are available online at each schools’ website. Check applications for due-dates – they come up fast!
Daily Routines English Language Arts Centers/Small Groups Math Science Social Studies Art Physical Education Computer Lab
English Language Arts Wonders Reading, writing, and language program Focus on Comprehension and evidence based thinking Weekly spelling, vocabulary, and grammar practice
Math My Math program Math centers and enrichment Homework math pages In-class learning Online component, ConnectEd Math centers and enrichment SumDog, Khan Academy, Prodigy, Xtra Math Computer Lab At-home
Science Mystery Science Inspire Science Program Science activities in class Inspire Science Program Next Generation Science Standards Focus on inquiry and critical thinking
Social Studies Networks Geography of the United States Age of Exploration to Emancipation in US Economics Government and Civics Map Skills US States and Capitals
Physical Education and Health Social skills Healthy lifestyles Character building Physical Education “Spark” Curriculum Wednesdays with Mr. Yoon
Computer Lab Mondays and Thursdays with Mrs. Atay Basic Computer skills Typing Excel and Microsoft Office Word processing ConnectEd MyMath, Wonders, Inspire, Networks, Building Blocks
Classroom Management Classroom Expectations and rules Classroom Economy Class jobs, bonuses, rent, and tickets Behavior Think Sheet Class Points “Caught Being Good” Blue Dolphins
Homework Monthly Project Based on content standards in various subjects (math, science, social studies, ELA) Monthly updates and Weekly Newsletter available ONLINE Students are responsible for recording assignments and projects and completing independently Homework Math practice and review every night Students are expected to practice spelling and vocabulary independently (words and practice are introduced in class weekly) Monthly Book Project Choice Board Read 30 minutes every night Due the 15th of each month (or closest school day)
Assessments Weekly quizzes and tests on Fridays MAP benchmark testing 3-4 times a year AR benchmark testing monthly SBACS at end of year 5th Grade Science Assessment at end of year Physical Fitness Assessment at end of year We are hopeful to have students use Chromebooks/computers to take assessments in math, science, social studies, and language arts, by second semester
Parent Support Volunteering for field trips Parents MUST BE CLEARED through the office! In the event of too many volunteers, qualifying parents’ names will be drawn from a hat. Helping students with homework/reading PTF and ELAC Guest Speakers Career week Friday, September 29 Parent Conferences October 9-13 Donations and school supplies
Miscellaneous Class Projects Box Tops Home visits Water bottles Science Fair IN CLASS this year. There will not be a meeting second semester. Students will work in a group and have individual responsibilities. Please follow through. Box Tops Home visits Water bottles Healthy snacks and lunches NO Cheetos, Takis, spicy snacks, candy, sodas, or other sugary drinks. Students will be asked to put them away. Birthday celebrations NO FOOD is allowed to be shared on campus. Please consider some alternatives: donate a book to the classroom, goody bags with school supply items, etc.
5th Grade Committees Sign-ups will happen in September This opportunity will give them a chance to give something back to their school, set an excellent example for their younger peers, and further develop their self-esteem and character.
Contact Miss Atwater – 5B Ms. Melloy – 5C Mrs. Cohea – 5A amelloy@magnoliapublicschools.org Msmelloy.weebly.com Bloomz app Mrs. Cohea – 5A acohea@magnoliapublicschools.org mrscohea5A.weebly.com Miss Atwater – 5B katwater@magnoliapublicschools.org missatwater.weebly.com