BioLock (Biometric Home Entry System) Mavis Chan, Brent Erickson, Sydney Bitner Group 9
Introduction Fingerprint enabled lock designed for home entry Homeowner can check access history remotely Alarm sounded upon unauthorized entry attempt Introduction
Easy access and setup for house guests Motivation Features Keys are a hassle & people misplace them. Fingers are very hard to misplace Utilization of fingerprint sensor Remote management Secure scheduled access Event logging Alarm system Easy access and setup for house guests Tracking of user entry times. Applications for businesses & rental properties
Hardware Design
Software Design API for serial communication with sensor module Web Server – REST API File system database Android application for device administration Software Design
Altera Cyclone II FPGA Board ZFM Fingerprint Sensor D5M Camera Hardware Components Software Components Altera Cyclone II FPGA Board ZFM Fingerprint Sensor D5M Camera Speakers Fingerprint sensor thread Web server thread Diagnostics thread (testing purposes) Additional classes to communicate with hardware components
Code Example Fingerprint Sensor Thread Poll for fingerprint Fingerprint detected, execute any pending management tasks Lookup fingerprint/user in database If user does not exist, notify failure If user exists, lookup if have scheduled access If user doesn't have access, notify failure If user has access, unlock door Code Example
Operation Access Flow
Operation Modification Flow
Ethernet Serial Communication D5M Camera Module Challenges
Fingerprint Sensor Predefined diagnostic sequence to verify proper communication and functionality. Includes enrolling and fingerprint verification. Rest API Verify all GET requests via web browser Decouple all components in the system and test them independently and as a whole. LCD display updates to reflect current system state Testing Additional ad-hoc and usability testing on the system as a whole
Project Extensions VOIP intercom 2-factor authentication Hardware based fingerprint recognition Battery powered system clock Project Extensions