基督僕人更新中心 CLRC 十周年感恩 10th Anniversary (Proposal)


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Presentation transcript:

基督僕人更新中心 CLRC 十周年感恩 10th Anniversary (Proposal) www.clrcrenewal.org 葉季港 Albert Yeh

Future Direction / Proposal 未來方向與建議/討論 Formation of the Executive Team (ET) /Executive Council as the major decision body of CLRC composed of pastors /elders/authorized reps from churches/organizations/individuals and CLRC BOD chairman 12/2016 clrc

ET Operation 運作 Members must be committed to CLRC Vision/core values Membership for a large church/organization (>100 church membership) requires a minimum contribution of $1,200 annually whereas a small church/organization (<100 church membership) or individuals a minimum of $600 annually towards the CLRC financial need For their contributions, a large church/organization is entitled to two day free usage of the retreat facility at Lake Gaston and a small church/organization/individual one day free usage; both will also receive 20% discount on subsequent usages Each additional contribution of $600 will entitle the member one additional day of free usage of the facility Chair / Coordinator & Secretary to be elected by members After a year of successful operation, members of ET can elect up to 2 of its members to join the CLRC BOD Meetings: twice yearly and/or as needed 12/2016 clrc

Purpose of ET 目的 Church “ownership” & commitment for the CLRC vision and mission and core values Decisions, organization/ sponsorship and operation of all major ministries/ programs of CLRC , including the leadership training seminars, selection of speakers, topics and frequency, etc. What’s in it for me (besides tangible benefits)? Participate in God’s great mission for the Chinese churches in the 21st century (no longer “B.A.U”) by providing a common platform for renewal, closer cooperation and sharing of God’s resources among the churches to seek His way, support each other and work for His kingdom.) 12/2016 clrc

Why now? Time to pass the baton Recent wake up calls God’s good timing Time for the churches to take up the challenge and responsibility (emphasis on developing healthy, mature leaders) intended for the churches according to the NT mandates 12/2016 clrc

Request Would you please bring this preliminary proposal to your church leadership for review/discussion and respond whether your church agrees with this proposal in principle and/or any other alternatives/ suggestions /comments by 12/10/16*? CLRC will act accordingly based on the majority responses/comments Trusting God’s guidance for the next step as in the past *Extended to 1/31/2017; for those churches not represented here, a copy of this proposal will be emailed to them 12/2016 clrc

Dream/LT Vision Church based leadership training Regional CLRCs in north America and China… 1st century Antioch Church model: excellent, Spirit led, team leaders and missionaries that impact the world (Acts 11:25-26; 13:1-3). Chinese churches no longer lack excellent leaders but able to equip the saints and send out the best missionaries. 1st century Jerusalem church: Joy, truth, fellowship and unity in serving the Lord experiencing God’s presence /blessings in the local body of Christ (Acts 2:42-47) Chinese churches serve the Lord with one accord and experience the joy of fellowship and the presence of God. 12/2016 clrc

May God’s Will Be Done “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose” (Phil 2:13) 因為你們立志行事都是神在你們心里運行 , 為要成就他的美意。 “because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil 1:5-6) 因為從頭一天直到如今,你們是同心合意地興旺福音。 我深信那在你們心裏動了善工的,必成全這工,直到耶穌基督的日子。 “Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain;” (Ps 127:1) 若不是耶和華建造房屋, 建造的人就枉然劳力; 12/2016 clrc

CLRC LOGO 中心網址:www.clrcrenewal.org 12/2016 clrc