PSAT, 2017
PSAT, 2017 Offered at Damascus October 11 at 7:45 am Cost: $17 Taken to compete for scholarships and info on test preparation Registration begins today, 9/11 and ends October 4th Registration online at or click on link on main page of DHS website. After registration you still need to pay by cash, check, or credit card. Cash/check(made payable to DHS) can be given to Mrs. Hogentogler in the counseling office Student guide to practice!
Registration Information/Links: Registration link: Credit card payment link: Templates/Detailed%20List%20with%20Properties/Category.aspx ?categoryid=BY304
Important information about credit card payments: Credit card payments have changed! Payment is directly through Online School payments and not your Total Registration account! Handout gives directions/website for payment
Handouts to take home: Credit card payment information PSAT letter Student practice guide