What is the most critical action we need to take to achieve a global vision? “collaboration” “Implement an inland port, put the inland port at the corner of 485 and mt holly road” “Train workforce starting at high school level with apprentice jobs. Also create jobs w technology on the forefront!” “crystalized vision” “Collaboration” “Partnerships” “Keep Harris Teeter :), Put Jerry Orr in charge of everything.” “- support existing startups in Charlotte, infrastructure and education, - support startups, make manufacturing cool again” “Form actionable groups with definitive plans and timeframes & reporting metrics. DO IT!” “Meaningful changes in public education, articulate the vision” ‘more support from business for co-op/internships from k-12 and higher Ed” “open mindedness”
What is the most critical action we need to take to achieve a global vision? (continued) “immigration and education” “Education, commitment to growth of entire region not just Charlotte.” “leverage partnerships and begin the transformation now.” “transportation and connectivity” “education” “Education in the high schools” “obviously, all levels of education...” “match funds with achievable goals” “more young people getting access to project based learning based on local business needs” “collaboration” “educate work force” “modernize K-12 education”
What is the most critical action we need to take to achieve a global vision? (continued) “a robust training curriculum for a strong skilled workforce, focusing on importance of the global mktplace.” “Bring together the public and private sectors through education for the success of the middle class in high-skills jobs.” “communication into action” “Education - business partnerships expansion, Guidance counselors in businesses every summer” “Improve the K12 education pipeline to on the job training” “interdepencies” “More connections -- support orgs that foster global engagement, convene, public private partnership” “removal of bureaucratic barriers.” “Revamp k 12 public education NOW” “The right Education”
What is the most critical action we need to take to achieve a global vision? (continued) “To develop 9-12 educational partners that develop real world work place learning opportunities, like MeckEd's MeckTech Program.” “Don't lose sight of the importance of learning how to think not just perform” “understand we are citizens of the world, great airport” “Educational Excellence” “Leadership & follow through” “trained work force” “work for political harmony” “focus on k16 education.” “reach out and incorporate youth in programming and events such as this” “Collaboration” “support community college K-12 cooperation with business.” “Education”
What is the most critical action we need to take to achieve a global vision? (continued) “Incorporation of K through 12 into workforce training initiatives” “Consensus on what we want to become!” “Public-private partnerships and increased cooperation and collaboration.” “Education K-4” “knowledge excellence, implement global thinking” “Education” “Regional cooperation” “excellent meeting!” “find funding” “workforce education, Washington working together.” “Leadership” “workforce training” “develop an action plan” “media education”
What is the most critical action we need to take to achieve a global vision? (continued) “Vision executed with coordination!” “A government that works again.” “A REGIONAL METRO TRANSIT SYSTEM....” “Act now without delay!!, educate the high school counselors.” “coordination with CMS, businesses and higher ed” “education” “First make sure everyone understands why global is better, so local doesnt suffer for global process” “more international non stop flights, specially to Europe” “skilled labor” “support pre k education through college.” “Support small businesses to export assistance, remember the wage gap along with the skills gap” “well paying manufacturing jobs”