Selection of contractors & PAS91: Bryony Mitchell (CMIOSH) Senior H&S Advisor – Property Services
Management/Monitoring Selection of contractors: Legal Requirements. PAS91- overview. Safety Schemes in Procurement – SSIP. HCC processes. Selection Review Management/Monitoring
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 CDM Regulation 8 General duties A designer (including a principal designer) or contractor (including a principal contractor) appointed to work on a project must have the skills, knowledge and experience and, if they are an organisation, the organisational capability, necessary to fulfil the role that they are appointed to undertake, in a manner that secures the health and safety of any person affected by the project. (2) A designer or contractor must not accept an appointment to a project unless they fulfil the conditions in paragraph (1). (3) A person who is responsible for appointing a designer or contractor to carry out work on a project must take reasonable steps to satisfy themselves that the designer or contractor fulfils the conditions in paragraph (1).
Guidance L153: As well as carrying out pre-qualification checks on organisations, those responsible for making appointments should also check that the designer or contractor has enough experience and a good record in managing the risks involved in projects. These checks should ideally be carried out at the final stage after pre-qualification checks have been completed and before appointments are made. Those making appointments will find the standard health and safety questions in PAS 91:2013 (Publicly Available Specification) Construction related procurement. Prequalification questionnaires3 a useful aid. Using PAS 91 standard questions is one way of helping to assess organisational capability.
PAS91- what is it? PAS 91 is a standardised pre-qualification questionnaire covering the core requirements of capability that are assessed ONCE by a client rather than at each project bid to ensure you are eligible for more project-specific bid requirements. Developed by The British Standards Institute (BSI), PAS91 is a recommended common minimum standard for construction procurement.
Specialist contractors and sub-contractors By delivering a standardised PQQ format, PAS 91 aims to: Help suppliers understand what information is required from them at pre-qualification stage Increase consistency between various pre-qualification questionnaires and databases Help buyers identify suitably qualified contractors Should be used throughout the supply chain. Client Suppliers – first and intermediate supply chain suppliers (principal Contractors) Buyers Specialist contractors and sub-contractors
Aim of PAS91 is to assess: Governance arrangements, Qualifications and trade expertise, References, Health and safety/environmental arrangements and competence Financial viability Resources Other essential capabilities
Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP): Has everyone heard of SSIP (hands up) Approx 30+ organisations
Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP): SSIP is not another health & safety pre-qualification scheme An umbrella organisation established to facilitate recognition between health and safety pre-qualification schemes (wherever it is practicable to do so) A scheme is any organisation which undertakes a health & safety competence assessment using the benchmark standard (SSIP Core Criteria) or the Health & Safety Module of PAS 91) Benefits of SSIP Buyers Confidence a supplier has been assessed to the core criteria standard More choice of suppliers Suppliers Fewer duplicate questionnaires saving time and money Company listed in the SSIP Portal
What is assessed? CDM 2007 core criteria stage 1 only (now PAS91). Stage 2 (PROJECT SPECIFIC) is the buyer’s responsibility. Arrangements for mutual recognition under SSIP relate only to health and safety competence SSIP members understand that buyers may have a duty to determine a broader range of criteria than those established by CDM 2015 e.g. waste management
The SSIP Portal Centralised verification database listing the details of around 75,000 contractors which have been assessed by SSIP members. Verify that a contractors holds a current health and safety certification from an SSIP member scheme. Major step forward in terms of reducing the time, effort and duplication associated with qualification. £0 per annum to search the portal.
HCC procedures - Selection Register of Contractors – set up before PAS91 includes a H&S assessment reviewed by Technical Services Team. Project Specific Selection = resource and competency check. Frameworks
HCC procedures – monitoring: Site safety inspections – undertaken jointly with Contractor – Within first week and then monthly Site safety in-depth audit – once with the lifetime of a project or six monthly. HSSP review – Health and Safety Sub-Panel (within Property Services) – reviews accidents, incidents and near misses and any poor scoring site inspections/audits – trend spotting. Sanctions available: Immediate suspension Additional monitoring Require investigation and/or remedial actions to be taken
Workshop In groups – please take a look at the scenario provided. As you work through the project there are a number of questions to answer. You have an hour. You will need to nominate a spokes person. 12.15 – feedback and answers