Famous Strikes
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877
The Great Railroad Strike First major episode of labor unrest! Baltimore and Ohio Railroad announced a wage cut of 10%, the 2nd in 8 months. Double Headers-had two engines, twice as many cars and huge increase risk of accident and worker layoffs. Workers went on strike across East Coast led to Riots Violent reactions against companies spread across the country Local militia in Pittsburgh refused to stop the unrest President Hayes called in federal troops which caused problems led to over 100 dead before strike ended Result: Weakened railroad unions Damaged reputation of labor unions because of the disruption and failure. 10%, strikers destroyed equipment, rioted in the streets.
Result of Strike Weakened railroad unions Damaged reputation of labor unions because of the disruption and failure. 10%, strikers destroyed equipment, rioted in the streets.
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877
Haymarket Square Riot AFL was demanding a 8hr workday for all Employers so they called for a national demonstration day. If not done by May 1, 1886, called for a general strike Police broke up a fight between strikers and scabs( strikebreakers who replace striking workers and allow a company to continue working) Police harassment of workers/strikers killed 4 strikers the day before Anarchists called for a rally on May 4th in Haymarket Square Anarchists are political radicals who oppose all government on the grounds that it limits individual liberty and acts in the interests of the wealthy, ruling class. Police ordered people to disperse, a bomb was thrown (killed 6 officers, 67 injured) 8 anarchists convicted of murder, unjust trial, they were scapegoats 7 sentenced to death 1 suicide, 4 executed, 2 terms to life in prison
The Homestead Strike
The Homestead Strike Union Members of AAISW (Iron & Steel Workers union) very skilled workers and AFL negotiated a labor contract with Carnegie’s steel company While Carnegie was in Europe his partner Henry Frick tried to cut wages for company workers. After wage cut after wage cut, AAISW called for a strike Henry Clay Frick called for 300 Pinkertons guards (a private police force known for its ability to break strikes) Pinkertons moved up the River on barges. Strikers fired on them from the shore, deaths and injuries occurred on both sides. 3 guards, 10 strikers died, guards surrendered, but company called in PA National Guard (8.000 troops) Public turned against strikers after Frick assassination attempt 9. AAISW failed in its attempt, membership declined to nothing
The Pullman Strike Pullman Palace Car Company built/repaired at company in Pullman, Chicago Company built town of Pullman so workers could rent homes from owner, George M. Pullman Rents high, and in 1893 wages slashed by 25% due to the Panic of 1893 (depression), but Pullman refused to lower rents and food prices Workers went on strike, led by Eugene V. Debs, within days thousands of railroad workers in 27 states/territories went on strike = no transportation from Chicago to West Coast Most state governors supported Business side, but Ill. Governor Peter Aletgeld was sympathetic towards workers and did not send state militia Others asked Fed. Gov to send militia, Cleveland disliked unions and sent troops Union leaders (Eugene V. Debs) were arrested and imprisoned. The strike collapsed.
The Pullman Strike