Opportunities for Enlisted Women in Submarines Thanks for all the support through the last selection cycle last year This year – marketing focus is going to be more based on career counselor networking We need your help to spread the word to your commands Women from other communities have the opportunity to convert into the submarine force We need women from all ranks and in all rates (want a distribution of female conversion Sailors across all rates and ranks on each Submarine) Conversions will serve as mentors to our more junior Sailors
Where we are today… Integrated 2 OHIO Class submarines (4 crews) with enlisted women Completing missions in every theater around the world Next submarine to begin integration this fall Committed to integrating VA-Class (fast attack) submarines starting 2021 Have already integrated USS MICHIGAN (Bangor, WA) and USS FLORIDA (Kings Bay, GA) USS OHIO will begin integration with enlisted women starting this fall (last selection cycle’s Sailors) MICHIGAN and FLORIDA have deployed with integrated crews and are completing missions around the world This summer, committed to integrating first two VIRGINIA class submarines USS NEW JERSEY, USS IOWA Will begin integration with officers in 2021, enlisted will follow Women will then have the ability to serve on all submarines platforms and complete all submarine missions
What’s the plan for enlisted women? Modify SSGN/SSBNs Integrate 14 crews total (12 OHIO Class crews, 2 VA Class crews) Integrate SSNs with VA submarines (built to accommodate female enlisted) following officer integration Crew composition Two CPOs from (YN/CS/LS/HM(IDC)/IT) 17 E6 and below (From any rate, into any non-nuclear rate) 10 new accession Sailors (nuclear and non-nuclear) Target 20% female crew (~32 women/crew) Modifying SSGN and SSBNs to accommodate enlisted women (this is what drives the order we are integrating boats) Plan is to integrate 8 total submarines (6 OHIO Class with 12 crews, and 2 VA Class boats) Crew composition Each integrated crew will consist of the following: (32 women/crew, which equates to about 20% of the crew) 3-5 female officers 2 female CPOs from following rates (YN/CS/LS/HM(IDC)/IT) 17 E-6 and below conversion Sailors (from any rate in current community to ANY non-nuclear submarine rating) Doesn’t matter if technical/non-technical, just need to qualify in ASVAB score 10 new accession Sailors (4 non nuclear, 4 new nuclear, 2 nuclear JSIs) Selection cycle for conversion Sailors will select 4 CPOs, 34 E-6 and below conversions What’s the plan for enlisted women?
Why submarines? Submarine Culture Dual crew submarines Missions Well trained, team oriented Dual crew submarines Time at sea Facilities Missions Advancement Opportunities Sub Pay Submarine Culture Dual crew submarines Two complete crews that time share with the boat (allows the submarines to have a high op-tempo without overstressing a crew) When in off crew (other crew is out to sea with the boat), good time for school and family time, don’t stand duty, etc Great facilities on bases Schedule for OHIO Class – 3-4 months at sea, quick refit upkeep period, other crew out to sea for 3-4 months Advancement Submarine Force usually advances well (part of our culture provides junior Sailors with the ability to do jobs well above paygrade) Sub Pay Don’t lose on shore as long as you are still qualified to go back to sea
Conversion Process E6 and below Once selected… All ranks and ratings eligible Apply per NAVADMIN Objective scoring and rating/rank distribution Once selected… Application package Notification Medical Screening Transfer 6-9 Months Prior to Arrival BESS Groton, CT (7 weeks) A/C School (0-47 weeks) Arrive Onboard All ranks and ratings are eligible for conversion to all non nuclear ratings Apply per NAVADMIN that will be released NOT a CWAY process Make sure to reach out if you have questions about the application process Sample application on the website Applications will be selected based on objective scoring algorithm to create a even distribution of women among all rates and ratings ALSO THIS CYCLE: Applicants will be considered for selection to backfill spots on previously integrated boats; applications will be processed as they are received Once they are selected – all Sailors will attend BESS and any required A/C Schools throughout the pipeline
Conversion Process YN / CS / LS / HM(IDC) / IT Selection panel CPOs YN / CS / LS / HM(IDC) / IT Selection panel Once selected Basic Enlisted Submarine School (BESS) Submarine specific training Report 6 months prior to E6 and below Differences for CPOs: Selected via a selection panel not just an algorithm Goal is to have them report aboard about 6 months prior to the E6 and below Conversion Process
We need your help! Briefing at a training near you! EWIS opportunity promotion materials Contact Women in Subs Coordinator or TYCOM Career Counselors Lessons Learned PACT Sailors welcome Contact information Start medical screenings early We will be aiming our marketing at career counselor trainings (regional, AOR trainings, etc) with the goal that you can help us disseminate information about the program At these trainings, feel free to bring any interested women EWIS electronic promotion packages will be available Still in the works, but will include briefs, flyers, FAQ sheet, etc that can help you pass on info about this program Contact WIS coordinator at SUBLANT or TYCOM career counselors and can give that to you Lessons learned PACT Sailors are more than welcome to apply Contact us with any questions – understand the application process if different than other conversion programs and can be tedious and confusing, please reach out with any questions Start medical screenings early – almost everything is waiverable with enough time!
What’s new this cycle Next selection cycle will be announced with NAVADMIN Initial integration of USS GEORGIA stationed in Kings Bay, GA in 2019 Backfill for previously integrated crews (FLORIDA & MICHIGAN) Career counselor involvement Next cycle will be announced via NAVADMIN soon (timeframe still TBD) Will allow for both initial integration of USS GEORGIA in 2019 and backfills for women transferring off FLORIDA and MICHIGAN Career counselors will be our main source of spreading word for this cycle
www.navy.mil/ewis Contact Us Submarine Non-Nuclear ECM (901) 874-2082 Assistant Submarine Non-Nuclear ECM (901)874-2081 Submarine Non-Nuclear ECM Technical Advisor (901)874-4367 (901)874-2819 Submarine Nuclear ECM (703)604-5493 Women in Submarines Coordinator (757)836-2103 Contact Us
Backup Slides
Job Opportunities C170 - Culinary Specialist (CS)** C130 - Fire Control Technician (FT) C150/C151 - Machinist’s Mate (MM) (Auxiliary and Weapons) C121/C126 - Electronics Technician (ET) (Navigation or Communications ) C180 - Missile Technician (MT) D130 - Machinist Mate – Nuclear (MMN) and D133 - Engineering Laboratory Technician (MMN-ELT)* D110 - Electronics Technician Nuclear (ETN )* D100 - Electricians Mate Nuclear (EMN)* C170 - Culinary Specialist (CS)** C220 - Logistics Specialist (LS)** C250 - Yeoman (YN)** (Qualified PS will also be considered for Direct Conversion) C260 - Information Systems Technician (ITS) ** G065 - Hospital Corpsman - Independent Duty Corpsman (HM-IDC) ** C230 - Sonar Technician Submarines (STS) * Nuclear Ratings are not available for conversion ** CPO conversion MUST be from one of these ratings
For questions regarding medical fitness for Submarine Duty: COMSUBLANT FORCE IDC (Norfolk, VA): 757-836-1351/1354 COMSUBPAC FORCE IDC (Pearl Harbor, HI): 808-473-1479/5788 Contact numbers and locations of Submarine Force Homeport Medical Departments: Naval Submarine Support Center New London (Groton, CT): 860-694-2470/2795 Commander Submarine Squadron 6 (Norfolk, VA): 757-967-6175 Naval Branch Health Clinic Kings Bay (Kings Bay, GA): 912-573-2939/4245 Naval Submarine Support Center Bangor, WA (Bangor, WA): 360-396-6789 Commander Submarine Squadron 11 (San Diego, CA): 619-553-8719 Naval Submarine Support Center Pearl Harbor (Pearl Harbor, HI): 808-473-2899/3771 Commander Submarine Squadron 15 (Guam): 671-339-2156/671-343-2191 Contact Information for Medical