To access the evaluation portal Log into the DCPS network Type (Myprofile)
Teacher Dashboard 7 8 3 5 9 2- Date = Date of observation 2 4 6 7- Post Obs= Post Observation Conference Status 7 8- Next Steps= Provides next step information 8 11- Print = Prints the completed pre-observation 11 3- Type = Type of observation performed 3 5- Informal= Informal Observation Status 5 9- Observer = Person observing the lesson 9 2- Date = Date of observation 2 4- Pre Obs = Pre Observation Status 4 6- Formal – Formal Observation Status 6 10- View/Edit = Ability to edit pre-observation before completion 10 1- ID = Unique system created number 1 PRINCE DEMO ASST. PRINCE DEMO PRINCE DEMO ASST. PRINCE DEMO PRINCIPAL ONE ASST. PRINCE DEMO PRINCE DEMO Observation status symbol (In Progress) or (Complete) Note 1: The information on this slide is used as test data and not reflective of an actual observation Note 2: The teacher dashboard and administrator dashboard appear similar. Teachers can only initiate a formal observation ID= Unique ID is a system generated number Date = The data the observation is started appears in this section Type = The type of observation initiated appears in this section Pre Obs = Eight questions are provided to guide the pre-observations. Teachers should answer the eight questions prior to the pre-observation conference. A pre-observation is required for formal observations. The status of the pre-observation is identified by the observation status symbols (In Progress or Completed) Informal = A pre-observation is not required for informal observations. The status of the pre-observation is identified by the observation status symbols (In Progress or Completed) Formal= A pre-observation is required for formal observations. The status of the pre-observation is identified by the observation status symbols (In Progress or Completed) Post Obs = Four questions are provided to guide the post observation. Teachers should answer the four questions prior to the post observation conference. A post observation is required for any/all observations. The status of the post observation is identified by the observation status symbols (In Progress or Completed) Next Steps = Only an administrator can complete the next steps Observer = The sections identifies the person that enters the observation into the portal. Although an observation is performed by an assistant, the principal may elect to be the observer of record and enter the observation. View/Edit = Only allow an employee to edit the pre-observation information prior to the selection of the complete button An observation can be printed Obs Type drop-down, Filter, and Clear = These function aid in the filtering process. Example – If you select “Formal” from the obs type drop-down and click on the word filter, it will display on formal observation. To view all (formal and informal) observations, click on the word clear.
Step 1 - Select “Add Formal Observation” Step 2- Select “Yes” if you are a teacher 2 Note: The information on this slide is used as test data and not reflective of an actual observation Formal observations are initiated by the employee. Step 1: Select “Add Form Observation” Message appears “Please verify: This observation should use Teacher rubric If you are a teacher, select “Yes” If you are not a teacher, contact your administrator Step 2: Complete the pre Obs Conference form data
5 6 3 4 Step 4. Answer the eight (8) pre-observation questions. TEACHER 12 PRINCE DEMO PRINCIPAL ONE Step 5. Select “Update” until you are satisfied you have answered the eight questions adequately 5 Step 6. Select “Complete” once you determine you have answered the eight questions adequately. Selecting “Complete” freezes the form and does not allow for additional input/editing. 6 3 Step 3. Complete the pre-observation data section Step 4. Answer the eight (8) pre-observation questions. Note: the administrator has the ability to view your input and can ask clarifying questions (chat function). 4 PRIINCE DEMO Formal observations are initiated by the employee. You may print a pre-observation form with your input or print a blank form. Step 3: Complete the observation data section Step 4: Answer the eight (8) pre-observation questions. Note: the administrator has the ability to view your input and can ask clarifying questions (chat function). Step 5: Select “Update” until your are sure you have answered the eight questions adequately Step 6: Select complete once you determine you have answered the eight questions adequately. Selecting complete freezes the form and does allow for additional input/editing.
TEACHER 12 Prince Demo PRINCIPAL ONE 7 Step 7. After the observation select the “Post Obs Conference” tab 10 Step 10. Select “Complete” once you determine you have answered the four questions adequately. Selecting “Complete” freezes the form and does allow for additional input/editing. 9 Step 9. Select “Update” until you are satisfied you have answered the four questions adequately 8 Step 8. Answer the four(4) pre-observation questions. Note: the administrator has the ability to view your input and can ask clarifying questions (chat function) Note: The information on this slide is used as test data and not reflective of an actual observation Step 7: After the observation select the “Post Obs Conference” tab The observation data section was completed by you earlier Step 8: Answer the four (4) post observation questions Step 9: Select “Update” until your are sure you have answered the four questions adequately Step 10: Select complete once you determine you have answered the four questions adequately. Selecting “Complete” freezes the form and does allow for additional input/editing
To view your observation TEACHER 12 11 Step 11. Select the “Formal or Informal Observation” tab 12 Step 12. Select “Expand All” Note: The information on this slide is used as test data and not reflective of an actual observation Step 11: Select the “Formal or Informal Observation” tab Step 12: Select “Expand All” Printing: The “Print” button prints a completed observation The “Form” button prints a blank observation form Printing: The “Print” button prints a completed observation The “Form” button prints a blank observation form
Note: The Next Step form can only be completed by the administrator TEACHER 12 Step 13: Select the “Next Step” tab 13 Step 14: Select “Expand All” 14 Note: The observation data was completed in preparation for your pre-observation conference 15 Step 15: Review the next steps provided by the administrator Note: The Next Step form can only be completed by the administrator Printing: The “Print” button prints a completed observation The “Form” button prints a blank observation form