How to keep WIS performance healthy WIS monitoring: How to keep WIS performance healthy CBS TECO Focus Peng WANG GISC Beijing National Meteorological Information Centre, CMA
WIS provides information services for all WMO Programmes Data & Products Collection and Dissemination WMO Information System (WIS) Global Integrated Observing System (WIGOS) World Wide Watch Global Data-Processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) …… Global Atmosphere Watch …… (other WMO Programmes) Data Discovery, Access and Retrieval
WIS Structure WIS became operational in 2012 Core Network based on GTS MTN Global Information System Centre (GISC) Data Collection and Production Centre (DCPC) National Centre (NC) Type Centres # GISC 15 DCPC 70 NC 217
Objectives of WIS monitoring managing day-to-day operations, long-term planning and identification and resolution of problems concentrates on the effectiveness of exchange of packages containing information, NOT on the contents, quantity and quality of information exchanged by the programmes “Abridged final report with resolutions and recommendations CBS-Ext.(2014) (WMO No.1140)”
Requirements for WIS monitoring (Near-)Real-time operations monitoring ensure the smooth functioning of the WIS each GISC continuously monitors covering the GISC's AoR centralised dashboard displaying monitoring information Incident reporting for operational anomalies or incidents that have a significant detrimental impact Quarterly reporting to analyse mid-to-longer-time performance, routinely each GISC provides a consolidated quarterly report covering the centres and networks in its own AoR
N.R.T. Monitoring: Performing Availability of WIS services self monitoring cross site monitoring Availability of global exchange data 24-hour cache completeness (files numbers) Availability of data discovery (metadata) completeness (numbers records)
Reporting: Problems Circumstances of the incident; nature, timeline, impact on services and operational infrastructure, recovery measures, impact on other centres root cause analysis; measures adopted to avoid a repeat of incident.
Quarterly Reporting Operational performance statistics Operational incidents summary Evolution/Upgrades (done and planned) User service statistics
Architecture Monitoring messages are pulled from GISC centres all around the world as JSON messages. The messages are aggregated and displayed in a centralized web portal (dashboard). Information is exchanged at least once per day.
Pilot Implementation (phase 1) Monitoring JSON format ver. 0.1 Dec. 2014 BoM, CMA, DWD, JMA Publishing realtime JSON Jan. 2015 CMA, DWD, JMA Dashboard prototypes ver. 0.1 Feb. 2015 CMA, JMA, INMET Monitoring JSON ver. 1.0 Apr.~May. 2015 Demo on Cg-17 2015
Pilot Implementation (phase 2) Monitoring JSON spec. and guideline ver. 1.1 2016 BoM, JMA, CMA, … Publishing realtime JSON ver. 1.1 (8 GISCs) BoM, CMA, DWD, JMA, KMA, MétéoFrance, MétéoMaroc, Roshydromet Dashboard prototypes for JSON ver. 1.1 CMA, JMA CBS-16
Dashboard prototype by CMA Dashboard prototype by CMA
Dashboard prototype by JMA
Dashboard prototype by JMA
WIS monitoring demonstration to CBS-16
Requirements v. Pilot Implementation 1) Near-Real-Time monitoring Prototypes 2) Incident Reporting TBD 3) Quarterly Reporting
Summary WIS monitoring practises (3 levels): (Near-)Real-Time monitoring (centralised dashboard) Incident reporting Quarterly reporting Pilot implementation (prototypes) Meet basic requirements for WIS monitoring Future works: incident & quarterly reporting Monitoring dashboard sites (2): GISC Beijing GISC Tokyo Pseudo operational prototypes
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