Goodlettsville Middle Poverty Simulation Follow-Up Meeting Please sit in a group. Thanks! August 30, 2017 Margie Johnson, Ed.D.
Outcomes Our outcomes today are to use the collaborative inquiry process for data analysis and for developing theories of causation that support student success.
Norms Active Participation Silence Cell Phones
Give One Get One Take an index card and respond to the below prompt. Think back to the poverty simulation a few weeks ago, what are 2-3 key takeaways you had from that experience? On the signal, take your card and find a partner. Introduce yourself and share your information, then exchange cards. (NOTE: You leave with your partner’s card.) Table groups identify themes and patterns to share with full group. Lipton and Wellman, 2011
For us, it was a simulation, for them, it’s a reality…..
United States Census Bureau, 2017 Federal Poverty Level Family Size Poverty Level Family of 4 $24,563 Family of 3 $19,109 Family of 2 $15,585 United States Census Bureau, 2017
Poverty Info Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, 2015
2017-2018 MNPS Data Warehouse School Profile Report 44.5% of Goodlettsville Middle students and families are economically disadvantaged. 2017-2018 MNPS Data Warehouse School Profile Report
Data Dive School Profile Assessment-–Assessment by Subgroup (whole school and grade level) Dashboard—Attendance Dashboard (past 3 years) Dashboard—Behavior Dashboard (past 3 years) Poverty Simulation Experience Divide into grade level teams. Related arts teachers can join grade levels or look at school wide data in own group. Sub-divide within team: Assessment Attendance Behavior Remember to pay particular attention to ED and think about what you learned from the poverty experience. Write observations on chart paper.
Causal Categories Lipton & Wellman, 2012 Poverty is an external factor that we cannot control. In education, there are generally five categories that we can influence. they are….. Given your observations and these 5 categories, what might be some theories of causation you have? Lipton & Wellman, 2012
Individually generate a couple of theories of causation. As a team, reach consensus on one theory to investigate further. What data might be collected to monitor it? Teachers lack the knowledge and skills to address ACEs that affect student learning. Teachers’ instructional methods are not engaging to students. Students lack social emotional and self-regulatory skills. Lipton & Wellman, 2012
Next Steps?
Exit Ticket Reflection Given what we have discussed and learned today, what might be some actions you take?
Feedback--- How Was Today’s Meeting Individually Use a post-it note to provide feedback.
MNPS Collaborative Inquiry Toolkit
References Lipton, L. & Wellman, B. (2012). Got data? Now what? Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree. Lipton, L. & Wellman, B. (2011). Groups at work: Strategies and structures for professional learning. Sherman, CT: MiraVia, LLC. Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County. (2015). Metropolitan social services planning, coordination, & social data analysis 2015 community needs evaluation, 7th annual edition. Retrieved from Nashville.pdf United States Census Bureau. (2017). Poverty threshold. Retrieved from poverty-thresholds.html