2nd FAI World 13.5m Class Gliding Championship General Briefing 2 July 2017 1
Purpose of the Championship SC3A 1.1 Select the World Champion in 13.5-metre competition class on the basis of the pilot's performance in the tasks set; Foster friendship, co-operation and exchange of information among soaring pilots of all nations; Promote worldwide expansion of the public image of soaring; Encourage technical and operational development of the sport; Encourage the development of safe operational procedures, good sportsmanship, and fairness in the sport of soaring.
Competition Officials Chief Organizer: Peter SZABO Land Lord: Geza MOLNAR Competition Director: Andras Zeno GYONGYOSI International Jury: Jury President: Bob BICKERS Jurors: Marina VIGORITTO (remote) Peter ERIKSEN (remote) Chief Steward: Brian SPRECKLEY (remote) Chief Scorer: Gergely NOLL Scorer: Janos DAROCZY Task Setter: Istvan RUMPLER Safety Pilot from the competitors should be elected Uli SWENK
Grid Order Draw your order Take a competition package
Three main rules I. Respect the Rules of the Air (e.g.: airspace specifications of the day, etc); II. Use of the airport: - car only to bring glider on the grid, or bring it back to its parking place - keeping the airport area clean; - smoking only at the designated area; III. Cathering - Breakfast 0800L - Dinner at 1900L (pls finish task on time) - in case someone needs extra lunch or dinner, pls indicate demand in advance. Thank you!
Daily routine Grid info at 08.00 every day (web+email); Grid from 09.00; Weighing on the way to the grid; Briefing at 10.00 in the extension of the „Hilton”; After Landing deliver your logs asap through web (email, personally); Check results on Soaringspot.
Towing and take-offs: Towing is up to 600 m AGL in the west of the airfield. Relights : If you need a relight, please radio your need in advance on 123.2, the competition frequency, and land on the runway which will be mentioned in the morning Briefing. Usually take-offs will be on 16/18, and landings on 34/36.
Towing and release
Arrival procedure: Radio your competition number 10 kilometres out, on 123.200 MHz. The centre of the finish circle (three kilometres radius) is 4 kilometres away from the airfield, between Szeged and Szatymaz. You are required to enter the finish cylinder above 380m QNH. The name of the checkpoint is „ingyensör” – meaning „free beer”.
Landing procedure – RWY 34
Landing procedure – RWY 16
Landings: Normal landings (direct or over flight, joining the runway in use, landing pattern East of the runway) will be on the main runway (16-34). If there are several gliders landing at the same time, then please make a long landing, a really long-long one, to the very end of the runway, and wait for the others to land as well, before towing your glider back to its parking place. After landing, you are always required to pull your glider out of the runway. Pilots should help one another moving the gliders off the runway. In case the main runway is fully congested, the secondary runway (18-36) is then available.
Safety: 1. Make a long landing when there is a bunch of gliders arriving at the same time. 2. Clear the runway ASAP. 3. Help the pilots landing behind you. 4. Wait after the rush to bring your glider to her spot !!
Landing fields around the airfield Landable Non landable
Emergency landings: (in case of engine failure or cable break) To the north, there is an emergency landable strip (200m) north of the airfield, north-east of runway 18/36. landable area landable area
Emergency landings: (in case of engine failure or cable break) To the south, there is another green area, between the railway and the industrial plant. The area between the plant and the south of the airfield is absolutely un-landable. un-landable area landable area
Szeged airport and airspace: Within a 5 km radius from the airport, if you are under 800m QNH, call them on 122.8. If you have to land there, you should say it was an „emergency” landing, due to safety reasons. Otherwise, they will charge you !!
Landing at Szeged aerodrome LHUD 122.800
Miscellaneous Once your glider is on the grid, please move your car into the forest, or to the parking area. No car should be in front of the starting gliders, especially when using RWY 34; We will use the OGN. The military will check the FLARM signals. So make sure all your devices are working properly. In order to let the audience follow the competition, please accept to appear on the OGN, with your CN. Technical assistance with registration: Istvan; Media: Ildiko will publish photos and news through the website and social media. Please provide her information and photographs; Internet : Internet is available everywhere on the airfield. There is no need for a password. 1- SZATYMAZ AIRPORT WIFree 2- Briefing_room 3- Camping